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Everything posted by Daecon

  1. It's not even an opinion, it's just a theory.
  2. Why do you think that? What evidence has lead you to that conclusion?
  3. As well as the tides, does the gravitational influence of the moon also apply to magma under the crust, which in turn could determine the emergence of hydrothermal vents?
  4. I do hope this isn't going to end up leading into some slippery slope of Biblical creationism...
  5. If vinegar didn't work, I wonder if lemon juice would have a nicer smell?
  6. Daecon


    Go as far forward as you can, right to the end.
  7. You only need two socks and some fabric dye.
  8. But Critical Thinking can (and should) be applied to any and every area of knowledge, not just science.
  9. Forget compulsory science courses, every politician and every schoolchild should have a compulsory course in Critical Thinking.
  10. What is meant by "empty" in the context of the original question in the opening post?
  11. For someone to be anti-"political correctness" usually says a lot more about the type of person they are, than it does about the shortcomings of "political correctness" itself.
  12. Oops, my bad. Mandatory monthly blood donation?
  13. I wouldn't say a law that requires an organ to be removed and donated... how about a law that forces able-bodied women to be surrogates for infertile couples?
  14. A news story from over a year ago? I was expecting an article about the new American President being a harbinger of the apocalypse...
  15. I'm curious as to why you think it somehow stops being their body just because they happen to be temporarily gestating offspring?
  16. Can you quote whatever that page is saying? It won't load on my Vita.
  17. The baby has a whole lifetime of it being their body after they're born. Otherwise there's some strange situation where a woman's body is temporarily no longer her own body for a while?
  18. If women are allowed the choice in whether they concieve or not, I don't see any problem with also allowing them to have the choice in whether to gestate or not.
  19. A thought occurred to me the other day, is it somehow possible for an individual to suffer a minor stroke that doesn't manifest any noticeable symptoms? If so, would there be any actual indication that this person had a stroke at all? (Please note that this isn't intended as a request for medical advice, merely an academic curiosity. However if the moderation staff would prefer not to have this topic due to the risk of unsolicited medical advice, then I understand.)
  20. The thought experiment implies that a Human has to be the observer, but why isn't the cat considered an observer? What would be the smallest thing that could be considered an observer?
  21. The Wikipedia article on Hawking radiation mentions something similar involving quantum tunnelling.
  22. If the Universe was a simulation, would that make the speed of light a rendering issue? If you could go faster-than-light then you might encounter a loading screen.
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