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Trurl last won the day on July 18 2022

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    applied mathematics

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  1. tar


    I like your electric fields idea regarding the applications of the twelve sections of the sphere but since I last posted on that thread I have run into a major roadblock to all the applications I was considering.  The subdivisions do NOT appear to be of equal area as I had figured earlier in the thread, using a spherical calculator.  I made some incorrect assumptions about angles and unfortunately it appears the subdivisions near the center of each diamond are  of greater area then nearer the corners.    So most applications are thwarted until I come up with a way to have each designated subsection span an equal area.

    There are still some applications that will work if exactness is not required.  If you quarter a section each of the quarters is of equal area, so if you want to divide the sphere into 48 equal sections for your application the scheme is still good.

    One such idea is to for instance mount 48 cameras on a tower or aircraft each pointing in the direction of the center of a quartered section of each diamond.  Then the output of the cameras could be sent in  a one to one way to 48 screens positioned in the same pattern around a viewer.  Thus placing the viewer at the top of the tower or in the craft.

    1. tar


      Or, I just thought you could make a structure more or less invisible by projecting the view from the opposite section on a section

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