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Everything posted by Koni

  1. (3) a Chessboard with <HEXAGONS> for 3 players... You can see HOW can the Knight move to: 2 *6 = 12 Yellow <Hexagons> !!!...
  2. If you like "my Idea" of the "Evolutionary Transformers Chess" you can support me to be a "LEGO" Official product for sale !!! bad link removed I have to get 100 supporters in 2 Months...and after ... 1-2 Years 10.000 supporters to be my chessgame a "LEGO-product" !!! THANK You very-very much for your Help !!! Koni
  3. How the "full complex pawn" (=133) split into 2 pieces with 7 different ways !!!...
  4. The King and the 3 "simple-pawns" and the 28 "complex-pawns" that you can make !!!...
  5. (1) = 000 = Kings ... (2) = 001 = "soldier-Rook" ... (3) = 010 = "soldier-Bishop" ... (4) = 100 = Knight and so have to Look my "simple-Chess-pawns" !!!...
  6. unfortunantly... my "Visual Basic" Chess-programs plays only on Windows-7 - and NOT more on Windows-10 !!!...
  7. If some Biochemist could make my "TRIPLE Helix DNA" ... we could learn something about it, compering it with the "DOUBLE Helix DNA"... Because the DNA from alone does NOTHING without the Molecular Machinary of the Cell !!!... On the 2 LEVELS ... is the "Double Helix DNA" ... (up) On the other 2 LEVELS ... is the "Triple Helix DNA"... (down) ( The diameter of the "Triple Helix DNA" = 1,3 r of the diameter of the "Double Helix DNA" ... ) two(2) "Triple Bases DNA" ( 2 * 3 Bases ) are equal = to three(3) "Double Bases DNA" ( 3 * 2 Bases ) and you can have 64 aminoacids : (1) with ... "one Base pair DNA" and "six Bases t-RNA"... - ( 2^6 = 64 ) (2) with ... "two Bases pairs DNA" and "three Bases t-RNA" - ( 4^3 = 64 ) - on Earth !!!... (3) with ... "four Bases pairs DNA" and "two Bases t-RNA" - ( 8^2 = 64 )
  8. THANK You very-very much for this "amazing" VIDEO dear Ken Fabian !!!... since 5 years I buy and read Biology Books and so I know that the Proteins-Enzymes are the Molecular-Machines of a Cell - and NOT the D.N.A. !!!... ( My best Greek Friend "Chris" is from AUSTRALIA !!!... ) I had the idea of a "TRIPLE Helix DNA" years ago ... but I had to correct my mistakes always ... and it took my a lot of time to find a solution !!!... It is only a "hypothetical" and "theoretical" possible model and could exist somewhere out there in the Univerce !!!... (???) Have a nice Day - EVERY Day of your Life !!!... Spyrou Kosta
  9. These...was my 2 "perfect" Triplet DNA Bases... These are the same Bases (with the 1st Image) but because of "Tautomerism" of the Hydrogen which can change his place between 2 places, I have NOT two(2) Triplets any more !!!... but only one(1) "Tautomeric-Triplet" !!!... The solution was to include the "Tautomerism" into my Design !!!... ( the GREEN & BLUE Circles ) !!!... NOW I have "2 Triplet DNA Bases" for a "Triple Helix DNA" !!!...
  10. You have the choice to add your "simple-pieces" into more powerfull "complex-pieces" but at the same time you have less pieces !!! - (???)
  11. And this are my "Kings" !!!... They have to be different from a "soldier-Rook-Bishop" pawn ... ( = 011 - 15 ) This is my last entry !!! I hope that someone make my "Evolution Transformers Chess" a Computer-Software-Chess-Program !!!... I hope that someone make my "Evolution Transformers Chess" with "LEGO-Bricks" !!!... I hope that someone has fun with it and is happy playing it !!!... Have a nice Day !!!... - EVERY Day of your Life !!!... Koni ( SPYROU Kostas)
  12. (1) = "full complex pawn" = 133 (2) = "soldier-Rook" = 001 (3) = "soldier-Bishop" = 010 (4) = "Knight" = 100
  13. To take apart and reassembling LEGO pieces throughout the game ... is more easy than I thought !!!...
  14. Sometimes ... we LOVE the Old things !!!... because they remember Us at the time we were still Young !!!... My Dear Friend "DrP" ... Have a nice Day !!!... - EVERY Day of your Life !!!...
  15. Can you sent me a Foto from the "3D Dragon Chess" ???... that you have built???...
  16. THANK you DrP very-very much for your comments !!!... You have right !!!... It is NOT practical to take apart and reassembling LEGO pieces throughout the game !!!... But I will buy LEGO-Bricks and make my [10*10] chessboard only for Fun !!!... You have right also that normal [8*8] chess is enough complex !!!... But I have made on my Computer other Chess Variants too !!!... (1) The "xiang-qi" China Chess... (2) The "shogi" Japan Chess... (3) a Chessboard with <HEXAGONS> for 3 players... (4) a 3 Dimensional 6*[6*6] Cube-Chess... (5) a 3 Dimensional ( 5*[5*5] outside & 4*[4*4] inside ) "Truncated-Octahedron"-Chess... (6) a Chess with Dices-pawns: ( 1=King, 2=pawn, 3=Knight, 4=Rook, 5=Bishop, 6=Queen ) where you can turn the Dice-pieces and change the pawn which is on the Top of the Dice!!!... and ... (7) ChessBoard-X... These are the Chess-Variants i like !!!... I hope you like them !!!... Koni
  17. My [ 7*7 ] "LEGO-pawn" fits in the Squares of my Chessboard !!!... ( only I have NOT enough LEGO Bricks !!! ) Koni
  18. This is the "smaller version" of the "LEGO-Transform-Chess-pawns-Bricks !!!... Make them ... play ... and have fun !!!...
  19. I have made my "Transform Chess pawns" with "LEGO" Bricks !!!... - On the 2 Images is the "full complex pawn" (=133) or [23625] 133 is for: ( 100 = move like the Knight ) + ( 030 = move 1-3 Squares like the Bishop ) + ( 003 = move 1-3 Squares like the Rook ) ( It would be nice if you make a comment about my Idea !!!... )
  20. 21 = 3*7 ... or ... 21*3 = 63 ... 21*9 = 189 ... 175 = (5*5*7) = 5*35 = 25*7 ... or ... 175*3 = 525 ... 175*15 = 2625 ... 175*27 = 4725 ... 175*5 = 875 ... { 3,5,7 } are "prime numbers" !!!...
  21. I have made with "Visual Basic" a [10*10] ChessBoard with 2 twins-Kings and chesspieces that: (1) they move and play like their images... and (2) you have 3 Basic "simple pieces" ( the soldier-Rook & the soldier-Bishop & the Knight ) which you can "step-by-step" add together ( with the Help of Transformers-Buttons ) to make 29 more "complex pieces" !!! ( you can separate them "step-by-step" again !!!... ) ( 001 = 3 = "soldier-Rook" / 010 = 5 = "soldier-Bishop" / 100 = 7 = Knight) - ( Each chesspiece has 2 Numbers !!!... ) Example: ( Addition: 001 + 010 = 011 / Multiplication: 3 * 5 = 15 ) ( The "011" shows how the pieces can move !!!... and the "15" shows: ( = 3 * 5) in which Basic "simple-pieces" it can split again !!!... ) On the main chessboard the selected piece can play like its "image" and move to the "yellow-squares" !!! (like a normal chesspiece...) ... or ... ... with the "Transformers-Buttons" <<< ( LEFT from the main chessboard )... it can split into 2 pieces again or can add an additional piece !!!... The 2 visible LEVELS : (1) the Red & Blue chesspieces... and (2) the Black-White chessboard !!!... The 3 hidden LEVELS : (3) the "yellow-squares" - (4) &(5) the double-numbering of the chesspieces !!!... These are the 5 LEVELS of the "Transforms-Buttons" !!!... ( You can see only the Left ONE !!! ) This is an example how a "complex-chesspiece" (=133) can split with the "Transformers-Buttons" into 2 more "simple" chesspieces !!!... My idea was based on the Game "Yu-Gi-Oh" with the Dragons... and that the Queen = Rook + Bishop !!!... The other 2 "smaller" chessboards on the Right >>> side of the main chessboard shows the "threats" of each Player !!!... This is an example of a different start-possition ...
  22. Could there be a DNA Base pair where ALL the 3 Hydrogen Bonds are on the same side of the one Base???...
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