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Mad For Science

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Everything posted by Mad For Science

  1. I have been running Seti@home for several years now. I am also running Einstein@home. These two seem to be the only ones with graphics.
  2. For anyone interested in the New Horizons Pluto encounter you can view it's progress here: http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/
  3. You are assuming that human beings will still be around that far into the future> We may either: 1) Become extinct. 2) Move to a different universe. 3) Evolve into a different species and will no longer be considered human. We may evolve beyond our need for physical bodies.
  4. Can you move it there? I don't have enough information to consider it a hypothesis.
  5. This is pure conjecture but I was thinking about it and wanted to ask people who know more about tachyons than I do: In a vacuum: Particles with mass can only travel with v < c Mass-less particles can only travel with v = c Tachyons can only travel with v > c If you refract light by passing it through a medium with a refractive index > 1 it slows down. I have heard of experiments where light is slowed to virtually a complete stand still, so my question is this: What would happen if you can slow a tachyon down to the speed of light? Would it give up its energy and instantaneously create mass-less particles? Or does that violate the laws of physics? If it did could you use that result to detect tachyons?
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