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Everything posted by YoungStrife

  1. Some may argue this belongs to pseudoscience but sine I saw the thai boy in a trance and a handlebar for a bike go through his cheek without reactive at all, I believe it. We all may agree that phsycokinesis is a hoax, but there is one form of it called mind over self that basically states that those with the ability can control neerly all their unconscious bodily functions. Through training of something called the parasympathetic nervous system, we can train our body and mind to lessen the effect of pain or even eliminate it completely. Pain was created so that we would not hurt ourselves consciously, or accidently hurt ourselves more if injured. So when we are in pain...we are basically more careful. I am one example of one who has trained the parasympathetic nervous system to lessen the effect of pain. In fact, my friends now call me pain-pill-popper because of this trained function. So in conclusion: Pain does not have to exist if you don't want it to...all it takes is a lot of pain and a little training.
  2. To all the gullible idiots besides ama and I who got it. Nice one Blike, thanks for showing that pseudo is not science:) its still funny: The earth is flat because the evidence I can not present says so. The reason things can circle the globe is because when the reach a certain point they reset and are placed back at the other end. The reason saellites make it look like the earth is round is since satellites do not exist. They are only an illusion set by the media to make us believe we're safe. AND: The sun is flat like earth, and the reason it seems so bright and life giving is because of god. (don't take everything between the smily and this seriously if you are stil clueless)
  3. Welcome, if I would have the energy I could go all day long, if you got any questions ask away...I'm here. As Fafalone would have said: Ignoance pissess me off, as it does here.
  4. You forgot to include that brain cells cannot be replicated, and that they self destruct all the time...either that or I have overlooked it,....many many posts and I'm a slow reader, so sorry if it's been said. When you think about it it makes sense. You live longer you may systematically overpopulate the world, likke now for example.
  5. The first humans originated in south africa where there is a warm climate. They develope melanin to reduce the risk of skin cancer. The also sweat less to conserve water and made different adaptations to handle extreme heat like height. Later we moved to Europe where there was a colder environment, so we got shorter, white, and lost many of our adaptations for heat. It's true...climate dictates our appearance, did you ever get a tan? (get it?)
  6. Ryoken: This is true, it's a prosedure used to feminise or masculinize a person if they feel that they are one trapped in the body of the opposite sex. It should have no mental changes and it doesn't. Environment does effect the brain, in fact it dictates the entire personality of a person, so since we all grow up in a slightly different environment we all have different personalities. Homosexuality is no different, since no one is born gay without having "special effects" while still a fetus. As I said, not taking new technology in to view, a truly homosexual man could not produce a child. That would require sex with a woman, and a homosexual would not have sex with a woman. If he realises he's gay afterwards, then technicly a gay man can not produce a child since at the time he wasen't. If he's drunk that's considered new technology as is sperm doning.
  7. Blike, I believe you are my new best internet friend:) I'm Israeli,. and know much of the ignorant superstitions that many people have about Israel-U.S. relations and our methods of war. Let me start off by saying blike is right, Israel did not attack the twin towers, we (U.S. and Israel are bassicly the greatest of allies) History lesson: A jewish state was voted for by the UN in 1947, the palestinians opposed to this and a civil war took place. We, neerly weaponless, poor, and fewer in numbers won the war due to our extreme resourcefullness and sorry to say...higher intelligence. By having this civil war we actually won more ground then the UN originally voted for us to recieve and by rumors the palestinians made to make more fight for their land of jews killing women and children, and beating the old the systimatically scared themselves into leaving Israel. Then in 1948, an Israeli state was created. Israel had 5 wars since 1948 not including the one now taking place. The sini war of 1958, the 6 day was of 1967, the Yom Kipoor war in 1973, and the lebanon war of 1981. The the old intefada occured in 1988, and the new one recently in 2000. The U.S. supported Israel ever since the 6 day war, and we have ever since been the strongest allies in the world. New intefada: The new intefada is not necessarily a war but a last desperation of the palestinian people. With every new bombing we search every house in the west bank for homemade bombs, and we search every vehicle to come in and out of palestine/Israel. Some say our methods are cruel, butwe do not harm defenceless civilians, and try constantly to enforce peace...IT IS the only way.
  8. I'll be honest, I didn't read a word of the section, but here's my share of information anyways: Hisotry Lesson: Saddam Hussein came to power in 1979, and removed from office all those who dared oppose him. He then put his portraits in every village, city and town presenting himself as the rightfull sovereign of Iraq leading his people to victory and defending against "infidels" But the truth is since his reign his country has fallen into economic turmoil, and fell very far from its potential. The Iraqi people can not revolt or demonstrate because freedom of speech in Iraq is non-existant. The youth of Iraq is brain washed to believe that the U.S. and Israel are Satan...they...are a lost people. Throughout his reign he supported terrorism by giving $25,000 to the families of the ones who "die in the name of allah" and commit a terrorist act. He also exported weapons to the west bank to be used for terrorism. This ruler that loves his people has used biological and chemical weapons against them, destroying entire villages in some instances. 1982- Israel destroyed his nuclear core built by the French. 1990 and 1991- He invaded Kuwait, we stepped in, and he created the largest man made disaster of all times by setting fire to the oil wells...he insists Kuwait was a victory for Iraq. 1997- He produced biological and chemical weapons he was not allowed to produce, and we disarmed him. Risk: Saddams army is 1/3 the size it was in the gulf, and his military capabilities have diminished as ours have increased. The main risk we face is a product of our own technology. A type of chopper that has proven to be inneficiant, overly expensive, and extremely dangerous. Civilian death, there will be some civilian casualties in Iraq, but for now, then ends justify the means.
  9. I agree. My theory is that the currents happen do to the plasticity of the rock in the mantle, and he heat constnatly trying to be released from it. But then again, I'm no genius.
  10. Spiral galaxies form from giant clouds of gas, which in the center a black hole forms from *your guessed it* a GIANT supernova, and the gas/matter around it spins counter-clockwise. I don't know how eliptical galaxies form but I do know that our galaxy will turn into one when it collides with our negihbor and the 2 black holes form to 1 even bigger one. The reason they come together in the first place...the obvious: Gravity.
  11. Not taking technology into view, a truly homosexual male can not reproduce at all, unless a man can have a baby, which when I last checked never happens. Bisexual malkes on the other hand can, yet as the dear hater of ignorane Mr. Fafalone said: they are less likely to.
  12. Of everything said in relation to radioactive decay, ou all forgot to mention that a substance can be accurately measured by radioactive decay only until the certain thing measured reaches its half-life. Sometimes a fiossil from one time may lay in sediemtns from a different time period, so this isn't 100% accurate. I don't know whether TXKP is right or not, but I guess I'll just agree with Bill.
  13. Why do convection currents exist? What makes them rotate the way they do? Will they ever stop? And if they do stop, will the mantle cool?
  14. I did not state that homosexuality doesn't exist in nature, and I do agree that if the species is intelligent enough, it can be homosexual oddly. It does have a fetal connection, like smoking effects a baby, or extreme yelling may damage it mentally. That's why pediatritions suggest that pregnant mothers rub their stomach, and have very low amounts of stress in their lives. Hiomosexuality is not genetic, but a resault of the effects on the baby before, and after birth. You may disagree, but this is the information I know of, if you have any other information to bring to my attention, I'll be glad to review it.
  15. His question is did we cause the extinction of neandrathals, and the answer is yes, since the time we arrive in wurope and the time neandrahtals became extinct, little by little came at the same time. The first conflict was in Israel..as there were MANY neandrathal and homo-sapien bones there...go figure... You can correct me as you wish, since I never truly researched this from many different sources.
  16. What I am about to say may seem like I don't agree with homosexuality, but I would like to state that I do, and have nothing against it. Homosexuality goes against darwin's law of natural selection, for as you see a gay species would never survive in nature Homosexuality is not genetic, it is caused by the way one is raised. I have once heard that scientists don't know it's origin but I am sure it is not genetic since gay men can't reproduce, unless if they use the recent technology of "test tube babies" As to why this happens I'm not sure, all I can tell is that the brain is one thing we may never truely undertsand in its complexity, and has an infinant ways it can go wrong.
  17. Oh I almost forgot: We did not enter the end of the last ice age, there were some ice ages afterwards, like the one that created the North America, Asia bridge.
  18. Evidence shows that extinction of neandrehtals coinsides with our arrival in Europe, WHY? We're not sure, but here is how: 1. We came in large groups of up to 100, they lived in small families...strength lies in numbers. 2. Technology; we made light, sharp spears equipped for throwing, whle they made heavy spears which made them get extremely close to their pray to kill, resaulting in death, and less successfull kills. 3. Way of thought; we were ever more inventive, creating all the time and eventually resaulting in the creation of art. They used old technologies from the start of human kind, and could not comprehend such things as art. 4. Language; we had the ability to make many different noises thanks to a special bone in the throat (i forgot its name) and though new evidence showed they might have had the same ability as well, most scientists doubt that they had the gift of language. 5. Numbers; In their peak, there were only 100,000 neandrathals in the world...once again...strength in numbers.
  19. What Bill said. As far as brain structure goes we're identical until you go down to the molecular level. We also use different parts of our brains for different problems, and in different amount. I know there are WAY more then 3 types of brian cells, I meant 3 classifications of types...not that I'm an expert..since I'm not one at all, but I do know some things here and there.
  20. The truth is, it doesn't matter as much what you eat as it does what you do with it. If you work hard, and spend much energy then the food you eat is more likely to turn into glucose than fat, and the fat you have is likely to build uop INSIDE your muscles...so it woulkd burn quicker. Protein is one, very good example, it's main function is to be the stuff your body rebuilds itself with, (along with vitamins) but with not enough exercise...it turns into fat
  21. As far as brain structur, male and female minds are identical, but the difference lies in thought process itself. There are 3 types of brain cells, whether males and females have different amounts of these i'm not sure of, but I do know that men in general think a much different thought process then women. ex. Women are multitasking, men do single tasks more quickly.
  22. As the pinguin TRIED to say: Hater of ignorence MAY state that he dislikes those who wish to learn. But I thuink he might have forgot:flame:
  23. How do I change a picture to be an exact 100x100 pixles?
  24. I'm glad to see fafalone is on my side:cool: Bible thumping response: Yes, all life is sacret halleluyah!
  25. I would love to be cloned, though the downside would be that the clone will know nothing and may have health complications. If I would have a clone I wouldn't want it to hjave a conscious mind, instead I would like to have it grown in the lab until it reaches maturity. So if I need a new liver, cidney, etc. I wouldn't have to be on the waiting list, and if I decide I want to die naturally, all of its' parts can be used for others who are unfortunate. What I am afraid of though, is that in the future the technology and ability to clone will fall into the wrong hands and the genes may be changed to create a super-clone army. They would be more intelligent, aggressive, higher growth rate, higher stamina, and higher numbers since they would be cloned so quickly. To all those who say that cloning is immoral=:bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs:
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