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Everything posted by Vexen

  1. I still can't figure this forum business out. When I post a comment on this forum, it seems reasonable to me. However, more frequently than I'd like, my comments seem not only unreasonable to others but attract the attention of the moderators. For example, a comment I made yesterday got 4 thumbs down. The comments seemed fairly straightforward to me. I don't get it. So, how do I become the neutral guy and not the negative? Thanks
  2. Okay, I'm beginning to see why I have a bad reputation. But,it was actually amusing reading this post. Having gone over basic physics throughout academicia, I found the basic errors funny. Consider this statement about sound being able to transmute into light: This is almost like that parody online magazine called the Onion.
  3. How can sound (displacement and compression of matter) and light (oscillations in the electromagnetic field) be the same thing? By definition they are different things? It was funny reading this post. You could become a science comedian.
  4. If these are your own thoughts on the Big Bang Theory, I'm not willing to consider them. If you willing to refer me to an expert who proposed a similar concept, fine. But, I can't take the opinion of a self taught physicist seriously. Talk about alternative theories in a unique manner (and provide references) but avoid suggesting your own Theory of the origin of the universe.
  5. Does it provide raw data that are analysed? It's much easier to understand concepts when you can work through them.
  6. I'll be doing some molecular cloning this year. Any advice on protocols and data analysis?
  7. Lawrence Krawss provides a good hypothesis to answer this question. His explanation pertains to the "strangeness" of quantum mechanics. Check out his youtube videos or maybe somebody here could explain his ideas.
  8. "Here is a tree in the garden. And every summer it produces apples. We call it an apple tree. Because the tree apples. That's what it does. Alright, now here is a solar system inside a galaxy. And one of the peculiarities of this solar system,at least on planet earth, the thing peoples. In just the same way that an apple tree apples." - Alan Watts
  9. Only a few people actually have a concise idea of your views. Your thoughts on science and philosophy are scattered throughout this forum and would be very difficult to find.Rather, write a blog to keep an accurate record of your ideas. Personally, I haven't lived a full life, having accomplished a very minimal amount of my goals. Therefore, I can't die tomorrow.
  10. Why? I'll make better posts with my new account. Thanks How do I delete this account?
  11. Just got off a 2 week ban for losing it. Need to trash this account and create a new one. Thanks
  12. Nobody read any of my ppsts before I started to loose it. I posted scientific evidence that politics may be a pivotal factor in radicalisation. Everyone ignored that and proceeded with their own opinion. I don't get it. You're a loser.
  13. They won't know. Nobody will. I'll just use a different IP to sign up. I'll be less opinionated. I already got my first warning. Thanks
  14. I'm going to create a new profile. My current profile has lost too much respect and it has caused the loss of a fellow member, O. I'll restart my digital life as a more neutral and less opinionated persona.
  15. Read the introduction! I wanted to discuss the MAIN cause. Do you people have a problem with reading? You people are idiots!
  16. I gained absolutely nothing from reading everyone's opinion in this thread. The only thing I gained was negative reputation. I shouldn't have started this thread. Delete it moderator. Thanks for wasting my time.
  17. The mods are conspiring against intellectual conversion and me by interrupting all the time.
  18. Back up your absurd statement with evidence. Most of the people on this forum are losers with uneducated opinions. I'm leaving this forum.
  19. Just now, Charlie Hebdo attack. 10 journalists killed and 2 police officers killed. The attacks said they were avenging the insults towards the prophet Muhammad. Btw: If you can't argue a point don't resort to degrading my reputation.
  20. I want to know the central cause for radicalisation in Muslim culture. What contributes the most to this. We established that there are many causes but does how much does foreign policy and religious ideology contribute to radicalisation? Why does radical Islam dominant the news so often? Few people on this forum seem interested in this topic. Most opinions I've read are poorly informed.
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