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Everything posted by dan19_83

  1. Bruce springsteen 'Born in the USA'!!! Bee gees 'you win again'!
  2. But if you sub in your sin(2a) into the formula I worked out then you would get: 16-16Sin(2a). Anyway it's too late for this (3a.m.!!), I'm going to bed!
  3. That would work except that he is looking for it in terms of Sin(a) and not Sin (2a). I've really gotta learn how to put in those fancy formulas!
  4. You are correct. my mistake. must look into it a bit further so! Try and come up with some suggestions yourself if you can.
  5. 2Sin(a)Cos(a) = Sin^2(a) So the formula at the end becomes: 16 - 16(Sin^2(a)) How's that? If you want to put it in terms of cos then: 16(1-Sin^2(a)) = 16 Cos^2(a)
  6. oops, thought it was sina and cosa! i'll get back to you
  7. Using the formula that Sin2(a) = 2Sin(a)Cos(a) Bring the 2 outside the bracket and multiply by the 8: 16[(Sin(a)Cos(a))^2]-4 Then you multiply the Sin(a)Cos(a) by itself and this changes the formula to: 16[sin^2(a) + 2Sin(a)Cos(a) + Cos^2(a)]-4 Since Sin^2(a) = 1- Cos^2(a) The formula changes to: 16[1- Cos^2(a) + 2Sin(a)Cos(a) + Cos^2(a)]-4 The two Cos^2(a) cancels leaving: 16[1 - 2Sin(a)Cos(a)]-4 Multply out and you get: 16 - 32Sin(a)Cos(a) -4 Leaving you with an answer of: 12 - 32Sin(a)Cos(a) I hope this makes sense to you because as you may have figured out, i don't know how to put in ^2, which would make it easier to read. Anyway if you don't understand it, just say the word and i will happily try and re-do it in a better format.
  8. Are you sayiny that the weight of the ball pushed down on the grass and the ball eventually went it. The grass on greens is cut very short, like 1-2mm.
  9. Since math teasers are being done in the brainteasers section then it should be merged with gen. maths.
  10. If you saw the shot you'd know it didn't spin. The commentators were calling it one of the greatest shots of all time and i tend to agree. It actually just stopped for maybe a second ans a half and then fell. the crowd were going nuts and when it dropped, the place went wild. Maybe ed84c is right. it was on a bit of a downslope so gravity just took a while to kick in!!
  11. For anyone that saw Tiger Woods' super putt yesterday in the masters. It just stopped for a second before it went down the hole. I mean the ball did actually stop for a second or two. The question is: Did the ball fall due to gravity or do you think that the crowd roaring caused vibrations and the ball fell? I think it may have been a bit of both.
  12. Goodluck with your meeting today. My thoughts are with you.
  13. dan19_83


    Ya most probably. If we ever did get in contact with them, I wonder how advanced they would be?
  14. lol, just read it there. I think people should have realised it wasn't true when they read that it was reported by The Sun!!!
  15. Paddy Englishman, Paddy Irishman and Paddy Scotsman all worked on a building site. One day they were on the tenth floor having their lunch when Paddy Scotsman says: 'Ham sandwiches. My wife has been giving me ham sandwiches for the last ten years, I'm sick of it.' With that he jumps off the building and kills himself. Paddy Englishman opens his lunch box and sees cheese sandwiches. He says: 'Chesse sandwiches. My wife has been making me cheese sandwiches for the last ten years, I'm sick of it.' Again he jumps off and kills himself. Paddy Irishman then opens his luch and sees turkey sandwiches. Once again he says: 'Turkey sandwiches. I've been getting Turkey sandwiches for the last ten years, i'm sick of it.' And yet again he jumps off and kills himself! Anyway all three wives are at the funerals. Paddy Scotsman's wife says: 'If only he had said something, I would have stopped making ham sandwiches.' Paddy Englishman's wife says: 'If only he had said something, I would have stopped making him cheese sandwiches. Paddy Irishman's wife then says: 'Ye think that ye had problems. My husband made his own sandwiches!!!'
  16. http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/dec97/878785475.Ph.r.html http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/ast99/ast99383.htm Here are two articles that might help. They're a little long to read but the basic ideas of them is that it is both hot and cold in space, it just depends on how close/far from a heat source you are.
  17. To be honest, i haven't been reading them (i'm new enough to the site), but if they kicked off again, then i probably would read up on them.
  18. What about the rule that any number to the power of zero is always equal to one? 1^1=1^0 simply becomes: 1=1
  19. All hail the mighty man or woman who was smart enough to mix ethanol with water and then think in his head: 'hmmm, maybe i'll drink thisand see what happens' he had a good few hours after that i would think!
  20. i thought that too but isn't (T^2/T^4) = T^-2?
  21. Don't you say 'it's practically 50 yards away' when you are not sure of the exact distance?
  22. I don't think all brits are that funny but i see what your saying That show was brilliant. all 12 episodes
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