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Posts posted by Robittybob1

  1. @disarray - was Jesus ever prophesied through Abraham? I know Jesus spoke of Abraham several times, in some very obscure ways. These words may help me to see the connection between the two.

    There is a YT clip with a dramatised section of the Gospel of John titled: "Jesus Said To The Jews ''Before Abraham Was, I AM'' (John 8:31-59)" Boy, that speech by Jesus really seemed to stir trouble but from it it sounds like Abraham predicted Jesus. Well I'll need to see how that happened.


    It's not that simple, because of space curvature. It seems to go a little farther than just the distance between things. It leads to the question whether space is something that physically gets curved by mass, or that it's just nothingness.


    Note that I'm not questioning the current gravitational model here, because that undoubtedly works very well.

    Space time and space are different.

  3. I used to use lava rock powder that I made myself... I was a bit anal when it came to potting soil for my prized cacti!


    Not sure if it really made a difference, used it in soil I made for aquariums as well..

    That sounds like a good idea for use in aquariums. What would be the difference between rock dust and fine sand?

    How did you make your rock dust?

  4. Which rock do you have in mind.. ?


    Pretty common rock is Calcium Carbonate CaCO3.


    Thanks we call that limestone or agricultural lime when it is ground up. I was looking up a product called Rok Solid but it is made from NZ rocks.


    I visited a neighbour's farm and they were using this rock solid and their grass was a lot better that what was growing on my block, just 1 km away similar geology and rainfall.

    Was the difference due to the rockdust?

    In US they have a product called "Azomite"


    Azomite could be a totally different mineral but does it work?



    @ Robittybob1: What is this 'basic story' of which you speak....in other words, what, in your opinion, are the basic facts common to all religions, for example, about the life of Abraham? Also, on what grounds do you think that simple stories are likely to be true...if that is the criteria, I think that we have to accept the veracity of many a fairy tale. I am wondering whether the video you posted produces any proof at all that they have found Abraham's house, much less "definitive" proof. I have no doubt that archeologists have unearthed remains of cities that correspond with places mentioned in the Bible, but the fact that the video claims without batting an eye that one 'house' belonged to Abraham suggests to me that some people are unscientifically willing to make extraordinary assumptions based upon sketchy background information.


    I could give you the basic story as I see it, but whether it matches that of the other religions I'll have to consider later. I haven't put aside a basic story as yet for it is a long passage in Genesis, but it could be done over a couple of weeks, for I'm pretty busy ATM.

  6. Had to consult the dictionary. I like learning new words thanks.

    As far as Abraham goes it appears he is lost in history. The have found a city called "Ur of the Chaldees" and for some reason they have rebuilt a complex there and called it the "House of Abraham", but I didn't see any definitive proof of this.

    Stories about Abraham seem to have been embellished with time. The basic story is rather simple and hence seems quite likely.

  7. Well since it's is the drop in atmospheric pressure they react to i would imagine that their behavior might be noticed around the same time the barometer drops. They also have a ken sense of smell of course so I suspect they sniff that ozone from lightning strikes before we do as well.

    Is that 1, 2, 3 days away or just in the next hour or so? Blowflies seem to sense rain up to 3 days into the future. They get real active looking for somewhere to lay eggs presumably. I was thinking the dogs could react to the flies.

  8. Sorry, I just could not get the Quick Question Thread to work. Anyway, my point is, I know they can tell when the pressure is different because thats how they know about storms coming early. But if one spot has an abnormally high or low area, can they tell? I also wouldn't mind the science behind how they know.


    How long before the storm do you think dogs react?



    Indeed but history is written in a variety of ways, most of which has a nugget of truth; the actual ‘details’ will always be lost to time but the truth may not, so fundamental questions that require either can never be answered unless we assume there is a truth and hope to stumble onto it.

    Some truths are easy to understand, such as, "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you" .

    Some need a little work, such as, 'forgive the guy who just killed your mother'.

    Abraham in his day would "Do unto others as they'd have done unto unto you and more so they never do it again"

    'Don't bother forgiving the guy who just killed your mother just kill him and his family'


    The Maori in NZ had a word for this, "UTU", which is like revenge. It is how I feel too at times, but this time I strangely forgave.



    Utu is a Māori concept of reciprocation, or balance. To retain mana, both friendly and unfriendly actions require an appropriate response - hence utu covers both the reciprocation of kind deeds, and the seeking of revenge.




    So no, we don't have a tomb or inscription, and even if we did, that would not really solve anything, as it would not give us any clues as to whether Abraham could sit in a burning furnace for several days without being hurt and whether God promised him the Holy Lands.


    Are you getting mixed up with Daniel? I'll have to go and read the story of Abraham again for I don't remember that bit, yet you have mentioned it three times.


    It is a story not without its relevance to today's political situation as you have pointed out. It might be like NZ, we need to maintain that treaty so that in future years we can claim this land jointly. When I say that it doesn't seem to stake the claim as much as the promise to Abraham.


    I've never doubted the reality of Abraham even though the thought of sacrificing the child on an altar has always disturbed me, but I realise these practices were common in the times past.

    I don't find the story that remarkable that it could not have happened. If you looked at the story of Moses then you have to wonder. It has just got those examples of faith in it.

    OK doing a bit more research the story of Abraham surviving the furnace is a Jewish story, and is not found in the Bible. http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/112063/jewish/Abrahams-Early-Life.htm


    Such an important event as Abraham's defiance of Nimrod, the king and leader of all the heathens and idol worshippers of his time, which led to Abraham's being thrown into a burning furnace, is only hinted in the Torah. The full story of this and other important events in Abraham's early life was only told by word of mouth, from generation to generation, until the details were finally recorded by the Sages of the Talmud in various Midrashim. Some of them we have already told you in our previous TALKS, and we will here fill in other interesting details about Abraham's early life, until he reached the age of seventy five.

  11. @Disarray - From memory Abraham led a fairly mundane life (see below *), except for his wife having a child (Isaac, at an extreme old age. was it at 90 years of age? All the promises of land and vast numbers of descendants were for future generations.

    Maybe a tomb or an inscription will be found oneday.


    [* I have just listened to a talk about the history of Abraham's life and it appears he was some sort of sheik at the time, so a leader of a tribe.]




    Well, sure, we shouldn't have too high expectations to find the equivalent of hospital birth certificates of Abraham. But the problem is much greater than just a lack of family tree documents. There is just no evidence at all that Abraham was an actual person, or that the narrative of his existence was anything other than fiction. .....

    Well I have only access to a bit of paper that traces my ancestry back to King Henry III. What actual evidence could there be? Records can now be photocopied or put onto the internet, but I just remember it as a hand copied family tree.




    It seems to me that the onus is on a storyteller to give evidence that something really happened,

    What form do you think this could take? This would have to be something indivisible and so would be liable to be lost over the centuries. Who owns this and where is it going to be kept?

  13. Yes, there doesn't seem to be any non-scriptural, significant historical evidence for Abraham's existence. But doesn't it then follow that we can't put much credence that his putative descendants actually existed either..... So, isn't the whole distinction between the Jewish/Christian lineage (from Isaac) and the Islamic one (from Ishmael) rather chimerical.

    I've heard of the word chimera. What did you mean by "chimerical"?

    Google definition: chimerical. 1 : existing only as the product of unchecked imagination : fantastically visionary or improbable.


    How many of us can trace the history of our families back 500 years? Maybe the family tree of Abraham has now been lost but it was still around when they wrote the beginning of the Old Testament.

    (Parts of my family tree can be traced to the 1300's but that is just one branch of it, it would be so easy to lose it, unless it is copied and backed up.) I could imagine that wasn't that easy back then. Still not easy today unless you are disciplined. Digital files can be impossible to access if the device malfunctions.


    I always thought it funny how Genesis records the words of Adam long before the advent of paper and writing.

    When does the chimerical story become merged into reality?


    Our country (NZ) is based on the Treaty of Waitangi. There is a half decomposed moth eaten copy left to prove it. Will this too become the thing of legends in the future? Maybe not for there is much effort in trying to preserve it. It seems we have to be cautious of discounting all our past.

    https://static2.stuff.co.nz/1318981529/136/5814136.jpg (It is weird to look at this picture for me. Makes my hairs on my arms stand on end.)

  14. In which case, maybe he was dealing with non-Euclidean geometries, just because. If you're omnipotent, you can bend space to make Pi 3 if you really want to.

    The passage in question seems to be just a person describing a physical object. God doesn't come into it.

    You could still be right about the omnipotence nonetheless.

  15. Well, I am treating all prizes as being equal for the sake of simplicity. So all 500 prizes are effectively the same thing.


    And for the sake of an overall chance of winning I have combined them.

    So are you saying that all the prises are of equal value. So there is no benefit of being the first number drawn.

    Are you drawing them one at a time, and not returning that number back to the pool?


    Apologies; to clarify, it was linked as a description of the nature of glycogen in the brain. For more on the metabolic processes of the brain, I refer you this discussion link.


    Same article is referenced. Do you have any actual evidence for what you say about dreams restoring the glycogen levels in the brain?

    I cant seem to convert them into sayings, but I can write them down into a story. I thought about writing my books down and publishing them as short stories or add on and invent long books out of them but first I would have to patent the stories and find a publishing company, become good at writing, I would rather write down the stories and have a writer publish them. I do try to illustrate my dreams because im an art major, some of them came out ok but some im just not capable without references, I need to go out and look for references, I cant use someones photos off line.

    Would you start a new thread somewhere discussing stories in dreams? This one seems to be mainly about the science of dreams. I'd be interested to see what develops.

  17. A cylinder with radius r=0.75 m and height h = 1 m has to be covered by a cone. Find the minimal area for the cone.


    Surface Area of Cone: pi*r^2 + pi*r*L



    A search of the web [latex]A=\pi {r}({r}+\sqrt{{h_c}^2+r^2})[/latex]

    Let r = radius of base

    [latex]h_c[/latex] = height of cone


    Both equations seem to be equivalent.

    It seems logical that since L > r then the area of the side of the cone is always greater than the area of the base.

    Since L > r then area of side will be minimum when L is minimum.

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