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Posts posted by Matronics

  1. I've heard that time has a speed. Some think that time speeds up, rather than slowing down, when you travel at the speed of light. It's just that traveling creates the illusion that time slows down.

    I also think that Einstein is wrong when he said, "When an object moves, it mass gains". I've ran and not gained weight. A bowling ball would not travel down the alley and gain mass.

  2. There is a historical record. We know about the existence of many historical figures based on contemporary written accounts, first person writings, contemporary art work, and etc. Your implication that at 2,000yrs "who knows" is not accurate.

    Well, for starters, if those written accounts, first person writings, contemporary art work, and etc; had to survive, then they must have to be preserved in some way like with Otzi.




    And also about the 2000 Years. That "Who Knows" Leads us to nowhere.

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