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Peter BE cimp

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Everything posted by Peter BE cimp

  1. You could drink redbull... jk but what you could do if you were so incredibly dedicated to this is go to get a bone marrow transplant, but instead just completely remove all your bone marrow and try to make your bones as light as possible (this may or may not kill you, though it probably will). Then, have a large piece of skin (if you want this to be "natural"), or a piece of light but strong fabric attached all the way up your arms and down your side to your waist. *Getting rid of your bone marrow will make you weaker, so you wouldn't be able to "flap your wings", but you would be able to glide around like you were wearing a wing-suit. OR, if you don't want to ruin your body and/or kill yourself, you could just get a wing-suit and a parachute and jump out of a plane or something. None of this is realistic though because the only reason birds and bats can fly is because they have a light bone structure and super strong( proportionally) muscles. Their bones are really brittle too, because of how light they are, and they can pivot at places. If you wanted insect-like wings, you would need some sort of an implant connected to your shoulder-blade and spine, and a machine that could flap thin pieces of plastic or something really fast (too fast for a human to do).
  2. I could give you both a religious pushed answer and an unbiased response. For religious people like myself, the Bible says not to worry about what could have happened. That also includes not worrying about who you might have been if you had a different life. As an unbiased response, still just don't worry about it. This wont answer your question, but thinking about stuff that you can't give a logical, or any at all explanation to just makes you depressed and emotional, and that never helps anything. My thoughts, again trying to be unbiased, is to not think about stuff that would otherwise make you feel sick. ALTHOUGH, you can completely disregard everything I just said if your job is to think about that stuff, cause you get paid for it
  3. If you wanted to store thunder energy that would be storing sound, lightning would be the electricity. If we could store sound energy, that would maybe be useful. But how much energy does sound produce, if any at all...?
  4. Thank you Sensei, for starters I'm only in high school so it's not like everything I say is gonna be perfect, or anything in that case, and most of that stuff I put together through multiple wiki pages. But it still almost answered the original question. Here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuXKtkvTyrk, you put energy into water, you can split the molecules. My logic is that lightning could maybe split water, but it's highly unlikely.
  5. All in all, there are way too many variables to give a definite answer. For starters, to split a water molecule, you need a perfect circuit and around 241800 joules of electricity to split one dihydrogen monoxide molecule, but if the circuit is not perfect it could take up to 50% more energy. However, since oxygen is a diatomic molecule, (more or less meaning it needs 2 more electrons to become whole) it needs to have another oxygen atom with it, so if you were to split one water molecule, you would need to split 2, so you would need about 483600 joules of electricity or more, and that's still if you have a perfect circuit. Lightning has many factors to it, but normally a good bolt produces around 5 billion joules, witch again depends on many different factors. So if you could have a perfect scenario where the two water molecules were both in the center of a bolt of lightning, and that lightning had no other molecules to react with, and all of it's energy was focused on those water molecules, then yes you could split water into hydrogen and oxygen, though you'd be stuck with two H2 and an O2. But it must be unlikely since we don't seem to have too many Hydrogen or Oxygen explosions during storms.
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