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Posts posted by Lightmeow

  1. I personally feel that videos can't match books. Hall and Knight's Algebra. S.L Loney's geometery and trignometery. Ultimate and classic books. No fun facts or anything. They will enhance your interest by genuine exercise and presentation.

    I looked into getting the Hall and Knights Algebra and the SL Loneys books. I'm sure I will get them some time, but I don't currently have the money to buy the books. They look like good books though :)



    Gilbert Strangs Linear Algebra and Basic Calculus




    I picked up a copy of them for a few dollars on ebay - pretty dog-eared but complete. These are first year MIT courses and may be a bit tough (I seem to remember reading you were early teens) - but Prof Strang is a natural teacher and with the videos and the books you may well be able to keep up; will need some serious dedication tho!


    Paul's Online Notes are great for calculus - but can leave you high and dry if you cannot fathom an idea needed to progress. You can always ask here though :)




    I never knew that MIT had those courses... And for free .pdf(I can print them out!!!) I also like that he has the videos. And also, I have run across Pauls Online Notes, when I need to reference something. I will use those as well to see what I know and don't know(for my programming, I learn what I need to know, so I have holes in my knowledge of the maths)


    Thank you peoples for being such a help! :)


    Things get proven wrong and ideas change, just like back in the days they thought everything orbited the earth and then that was proven false.


    The earliest mention of a sun-centered universe actually dates back to 200 BC by a man named Aristarchus of Samos. Then someone well respected said "oh, that's wrong", and changed it back to the Geocentric modal. Then the Christan's thought that they were special and thought that the same thing, they were the center of the universe, and did all sorts of nasty things to people who opposed them. I don't wish to high jack the thread, but what I said is a fact.

  3. Ok there is no page 304, im assuming you mean 34 and if you would have read the whole paper rather than just searching for errors you would have found out that the golden ratio has been talked about.

    And YES it contradicts super string theory as i said in my first post it contradicts many theory's and models such as bohrs atomic model or spacetime.

    And the quotes that you quoted from the paper that you are trying to make look bad I guess is not doing a good job because the quotes are simply the things that were pointed out that are applied and can be found by calculations in the universe. And he says gravity is electromagnetic just how some other people people believed it is that made an earlier attempt at the theory of everything. So please read the paper carefully before u make any criticisms because you must know what these things mean and how they are applied before you judge them.


    It also contradicts the theory of general relativity. Now, relativity, unlike super string theory, has been proven... You cannot throw out something that works, for something that doesn't work. Everything builds on itself. Einstein didn't disprove Newtonian gravity, he just built upon it... This theory wants to say that our reality is flawed, then goes to say, 100's of years of past observation is junk, and I developed a theory in 20 years that disproves everything else...


    Its funny you say that although the particle actually has evidence for it and experiments have been conducted that prove it is true.


    Where are the resources? I didn't find anything...


    This theory contradicts Superstring Theory, saying the Union-Dipole Partical is the Universal Building Block. Then it goes on and says that the spheres are infinitesimal. It also claims, and I quote


    and precise determination of each of the Universal Constants found in the physical Universe.


    Then it says that positive and negative charges are the same. Then what it says about gravity doesn't even work...


    Here is what I said about the professional speech that is half crack pot:


    UDT unlocks Nature's secrets in such way that the applied sciences' mathematicians can introduce simpler approaches for a more accurate portrayal of how Nature and the entire Universe act in a concert of precise harmony.


    Oh, and on page 304, his calculation of the golden ratio is wrong.


    And I will stop there.


    I don't.


    It is yet another in the long line of crank theories that will change nothing.


    I agree. I got through the first twenty pages, and it wasn't written professionally. i.e., it was written in a way that someone uneducated would agree with it, but when I read it, it made no sense. I also did a few Google searches, and some of the things it claimed were true were already proved false. Like the particle that it claimed was discovered. I did a few searches, and found nothing other than what the theory said about it.

  6. I have been trying to accelerate my math education, but I have found it difficult because most of the resources that I have been using haven't been to the point at all, or haven't been teaching just the concept. An example would be Khan Academy. I have been using them for a while but gave up because the videos are extremely slow for me. Are there any math books/resources out there that are to the point, maybe like a reference book, but not like a workbook? I also asked some of my teachers for some higher level books, but the same thing happened, they were slow, and had a lot of talking that was not related what so ever to the math.(I really couldn't care how high the empire state building is, or "fun facts about pi") And yes, those two examples were out of a high school books, a Algebra 2 book, and the "pi" one was out of a Trig book.


    Please Help :(

  7. The number axioms are suprisingly few and do not include division.


    In advanced algebra there is a formal entity called a division ring.




    Part of the reason we have rings, fields, groups and so on (carefully) defined is to overcome the difficulties that appear in less detailed treatments.


    Ok, so I read that and it makes sense. This graph that is on the Multiplicative inverse kind of says that you can never get to zero.300px-Hyperbola_one_over_x.svg.pngWikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiplicative_inverse

    And due to this graph, you can never get to 0, because you can't divide by zero. Instead, the number can get closer to zero, to a point were it is 1/infinity. But, isn't there a way to prove that .9999...(repeating) is equal to 1.


    I think it goes something like this:







    Couldn't you do the same thing for zero, because it is on the other side. What I mean it to prove that 1 over infinity is 0.

  8. No. Zero is certainly a real number, whereas infinity is not.


    However, division by zero cannot be defined in the usual structure of the real numbers without leading to logical inconsistency. That is to say, give me any reasonable and useful value for the expression x/0 and we can use it to deduce a false statement.


    Also, it seems 0/0 is sometimes referred to as "indeterminate" even outside the context of limits, which is news to me. Admitting 0/0 as a valid arithmetical expression still leads to absurdity, however.


    Then how is zero a real number. If you can't get it, then what is it. Is zero even a real number. I have always been taught that it is on the number line, so it must be a real number. But because it can not be divided in any way, what is it? Why is it on the number line if it isn't a real number? Is it being used as a metaphor as something more? If zero is nothing, then what is it?

  9. Today in science class we were talking about waves, you know, sound waves and radiation and other types of waves. So, the science teacher was saying that sound is basically just a mechanical latitudinal wave. So then, I asked him if sound travels in a vacuum. He said no, because there is nothing in a vacuum. No air or nothing. I asked him why, and he said that he didn't know. I understand that space doesn't have any air in it, but how can there be nothing at all? There must be something in the vacuum like air, right? Can you tell me, I was mind blown today. I always thought that in space there was a different form of air, or something that sound could go through, but nothing is crazy!!! Please Explain, I hope you can...



  10. So according to the story, is knowledge the first sin, or free will?



    I think you took my comment wrongly. From how I see it and the way most religions look at sex for pleasure, Adam and Eve were banned from the paradise for engaging in sexual arts other than for procreation. I leave 'eating the cherry/plum' to your imaginations. NSFW.


    I don't think of this that way. Adam and Eve realized they were naked, as the story goes. Wouldn't you say them and the cloths was more of an act of them leaving the animal kingdom, because they were aware. I don't think any animal other than the human covers up their body. Of course, you could say we do it for warmth, but that argument is invalid when I have to sit in a hot classroom full of smelly peers during the summer months, and I don't see anyone naked. Come to think about it, isn't their a law about walking around in public is not right and you will get in trouble if you do?



    I saw the story as Man's transition from animal to autonomous thinker with self-awareness and self-determination ...God let go of controlling Man's destiny from therein basically because he had acquired freewill. I'm not saying I'm right but this has always been my interpretation in the absence of 'correct' teaching.


    So I agree with you on that stringJunky

  11. Sometime someone asked what zero divided by zero was. Someone answered if 0x=0, then 0/0=x. That's all fine in good, but isn't there a rule that anything divided by itself is one? So wouldn't you technically be turning nothing into one? How does that work? Can someone give a mathematical explanation on what is right? I don't get how 0/0=x, but how can that be true. Wouldn't 0/0=1, so x would equal one? But 0 does not equal one.


    Thanks for your thought and time.

  12. This is a science website and so energy is the capacity to do work.

    What inappropriate definition were you hoping to use?


    The soul can do work, because it is what drives our conscience. And then food powers our body. Unless you are one of those scientists that believe that we are just here...


    I find it amusing we have a religion section on a science forum. I don't think scientists are going to get anywhere discussing it.


    That sort of thing does seem to happen in this like, sort of leaning by your mistakes, but it is not karmic justice and has nothing to do with reincarnation.


    Then what do you call it. Karma is an abstract concept that most religions have adopted in one way or another, renaming it along the way, but it's still karma. I believe Christians call it going to hell?

  13. I edited my post



    I take solace in the idea of karma, in terms of ‘what goes around comes around’ which has, for me, been proven time and time again; so when somebody takes advantage of my forgiving nature I find myself amused, rather than angry or outraged; so I guess it depends on how you define karma. As for reincarnation, other than the fact that our atoms are replaced entirely every 2/3 years, I too think its bunk.

    Reincarnation is about energy, not about the material. Of course, reincarnation would be false if you expect that you will use the same body every life!!!

  14. 1)Nothing to argue there


    2)Hitler could of failed his life lesson. Then he could of devolved. Who knows, maybe for the next 1000 years he is doomed to be trees that gets cut down over and over again. Or maybe he was the one who was putting something greater into motion, and there was a master plan up on the spiritual plane.



    3)Whats so illogical about that? I feel like you just enjoy bashing something without an argument.


    4)With your belief, then whats the point of living. What good is all of those lessons you learned in this one life, just to die, and it be gone.


    7)Think outside of the box. What you are saying is that humans are the only intelligent life form that may have lessons. Maybe when you are a cockroach you are learning how to survive. You are a good cockroach if you manage not to be stepped on, and a bad one if you get killed. Same with the Lilly...


    8)How is it Tragic?


    9)So Hitler again becomes a cockroach. Anyways, we all have our faults. I bet you haven't done everything you can to make this world a better place.


    10)Could be karma. Could be that in a screwed up way they all were learning a big lesson.


    11)If you knew Hitler did this, do you hope the same thing happens to him... If we are talking about thousands of incarnations, we could say that the Jews could of been incarnations of the Vikings, Romans, that killed many people.


    12)So is this an excuse to not take responsibility for your life? Say what has happened to me is everybody's fault but mine?


    13)It's not an escape. When Hitler was a baby, do you think his mom looked him in his eyes and saw that he was going to be this evil man. No, he made some decisions that weren't good when he got older. That doesn't disprove the path that we set before we are born. He didn't stick to his path. He was weak and took the easy way.


    14)Well, I believe that if animals had souls, then they are evolving into humans. Even if plants had a conscious, then they are evolving.


    15)Energy is always changing. We should bring in the String Theory Extra Dimensions, plus the Universe, as far as we know it, is infinite. Also, everything is being recycled, and just think and don't be closed minded.


    16)People could be being kicked down, and then rising, then kicked down...


    18)Edgar Cayce


    20)More and more people.


    21)Give me proof that DNA isn't DNA, and carrys other stuff other than DNA.


    22)And there's always people that also make up this stuff. Besides the point...


    23-26) Do you know how confused and over whelmed you would be if you remembered all of your millions of past incarnations? Also, how hard would life be if you knew your life lessons. There would be no reason to live. Life is about experimenting until you figure out your life lessons.


    27)Then whats the point of living. Why are we born, to live lessons, then we die, and there's nothing to show for it.


    28)I say that anything that I don't believe is a potentially cruel false belief and nonsense to any logically rationally thinking person.


    I think we are all different. That's what makes this world interesting. Just because I don't conform to the masses

    belief system doesn't mean that I am wrong. I could, if I was bored, debunk science, any religion, because everything isn't complete, and everything has holes in it. Just Sayingph34r.png





    You should change your Copyright

  15. I'll tell you tomorrow.

    You got me there...dry.png


    I use this when I should be working:




    There are similar extensions for Chrome. Block yourself from all the interesting websites and you might find that work is the most appealing thing to do.


    For the first few weeks I found myself visiting progressively more and more boring websites as I blocked myself from the good ones, until eventually it just wasn't worth the effort and I got work done instead.

    I was talking in general.


    Like last night, I promised myself that I would do my math when I woke up, but somehow I justified a reason for not doing it. I did it during break, and got a 100 on it, so that justified my opinion even more. But there is somethings, like I "forgot" to study for my English vocab test, and I know I totally failed it.doh.gif And midterms are coming up and I have to know 80 old english words that I never have even used that are on average 20 letters long, and don't sound like how they are said.eek.gif

  16. This might be stupid to say, but what if the universe is really expanding more than the speed of light. If it is going faster than the speed of light, and nothing travels faster than light, then we wouldn't be able to observe the expansion, therefor calling space infinite. That's just want I thing. I can't imagine something infinite. But then, if space isn't infinite, then what is holding space, or the multiverse?


    Very confusing subject...

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