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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Pair production does not create matter-antimatter from nothing. Photon with enough energy (at least double energy-mass of what is created), neutral charge, is converted to pair of matter and anti-matter (one with positive charge, other one with negative charge). While annihilation also does not destroy for eternity like you said "obviation". It just converts pair of matter and antimatter to bunch of photons, or other bunch of particles with opposite charges, it's especially complicated while proton-antiproton annihilation. Sum of energy prior reaction is equal to sum of energy post reaction. Sum of charges prior reaction is equal to sum of charges post reaction.
  2. Learn something from this thread how it's calculated: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/85656-solar-fusion-neutrinos-and-age-of-solar-system/ Annihilation happens only between matter and its antimatter particle. Pair production creates equal two particles of matter and antimatter, with just couple properties like charge, opposite each other.
  3. What?! You are rejecting existence of antimatter and rejecting annihilation?! Annihilation of electron-positron is responsible for 7.64% of energy released during fusion in the Sun.. If you have vacuum pump, cost of building device making pair-production and antimatter to see annihilation on your own eyes, is within couple hundred dollars.
  4. Yes. I just used boric acid and sodium bicarbonate and bubbles of CO2 are instantly visible. Room temperature 25.7 C. Attached photo, taken a few seconds after mixing compounds:
  5. "The two most useful properties of the metal are corrosion resistance and the highest strength-to-density ratio of any metallic element." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanium It has nearly twice smaller density than Iron.
  6. On the video you provided he used insulation, but it's inside. Probably some ceramic. Aluminium is just cover. If he would insulate flue, he also would do it from inside, and ceramic wouldn't so easily transport heat to cover.
  7. Apparently programmers made it this way. Send bug report to them. Sun has irradiance ~1367 W/m2 at distance ~ 150 mln km, to surface of Earth arrives ~1050 W/m2 directly at max, but because of scattering there can be measured up to 1120 W/m2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_irradiance 1367/1120 = just 22% more.
  8. Are you aware that if you open your html in Chrome, you can click "Tools for Programmers" (or so), and it'll highlight on red the all lines which are causing problems.. ? We cannot do it for you, as you didn't provide the whole game, and all resources.. This error happens in line 195, which in my case is this line: secondif = window.eval.call(window,'(function (canvas_img,temp,rootimage) {return '+secondif+';})')(canvas_img,temp,rootimage); Even my Firefox is mentioning which line is guilty, but you have to watch carefully.
  9. I think they should come up with example source code for review... And whether they meant C/C++ or asm.. Intel is not very optimal, as it has not many registers. Motorola 68000, 30 years ago, had 16 registers with data/address, 15 general purpose... If CPU has to constantly move some data from regular memory/stack to registers back and forth, to do simple calc on them, just by adding dozen/hundred registers, there will be gain in length of code (in asm, because in C/C++ it's the same). All local function variables land in CPU registers, instead of memory/stack.
  10. If "space is a form of matter", then what with antimatter? Do you realize that matter-antimatter annihilate when they meet each other.. ?
  11. Are you able to do it on demand.. ? If you will have more such "experiences", you could try the same what in one hospital where there was a lot of patients with near-death-experience. Doctors placed something at the top of 2m wardrobe, not possible to see from the ground, unless you levitate above room. Then asked patients with NDE what is it. So far nobody answered correctly (according to TV document). Ask somebody to put some thing, unknown to you, and the next time you're outside, check what it is. This way, you will at least verify you are dreaming or not.
  12. Even if somebody does not put sex-tape etc. on fb, but makes and keeps them locally, on mobile, or desktop, machine could be compromised, and all secrets uploaded to websites, like this happened with couple Hollywood stars and celebrities. Revealing such compromising stuff, could be used in far future for blackmailing person, if their "help" will be needed and they started carrier in f.e. politics or business.
  13. If somebody wants inaccurate data, always might count on you, no doubt. In this you're expert.. I suggest more often using calculator. There is built-in every Windows since at least Win 3.11.. That's the most used by me computer application.. 3 L of air, has ~21% Oxygen which is 0.63 L (not 0.6 L), 1 L of Oxygen has density 1.43 g/L, so 0.63 L * 1.43 g/L = 0.9009 g (not 0.8 g. You used air density instead of just pure Oxygen density (difference between Oxygen density 1.43 g/mL and air 1.29 g/mL is exactly the same as between 0.9/0.8) .. wrong again) 0.9009 g of O2 is 0.02815 mol of O2 If we assume (you did it already) that every single Oxygen is going into reaction with Carbon atom, C + O2 -> CO2 then there is needed 12 g/mol * 0.02815 mol = 0.33784 g of Carbon needed, not 0.22 grams as you claimed (that's 50% off yours....) Energy density of coal, varies from 24 kJ/g to 35 kJ/g, wood 18 kJ/g https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_density You should make experiment making your own charcoal, then measure energy density, to be able answer how much energy it could release per second in the last stage of our calcs. You arbitrarily picked up 7 kW, with 0.22 g of C, it's ~ 32 kJ/g energy density... Why do you think so, home-made charcoal will have such energy density? That's nearly energy density of Anthracite.. With 24 kJ/g * 0.3378 g = 8107 J (per second released) With 35 kJ/g * 0.3378 g = 11.8 kJ (per second released) not yours 7 kW They don't have coal/charcoal. They had to make it first in the beginning of video at 6 minute.. You have not watched it carefully... Cutting tree (in area lacking trees, as it's nearly desert) every single time they want to make plough (or something similar from what I can see in the video), is quite large devastation of natural environment..
  14. Thank you for interesting video. Here is how they do it in Africa: While watching this video, I wanted to scream "polish metal sheet, bend it, and concentrate Sun light on the one spot..." Would not need so much wood.
  15. Why are you writing such nonsense (yet again, and again).. ? Concentrate on talking about things that you know. US patent for separating Zirconium and Hafnium using alcohol https://www.google.com/patents/US2571237 "The column feed solution is prepared by dissolving the mixed zirconium-hafnium tetrachloride in an organic solution. The organic solvent maybe an alcohol, a ketone, an aldehyde, an organic acid or other similar solvent in which the tetrachloride will dissolve without decomposition of the tetrachloride or of the solvent. Representative solvents include methanol, glycerol, benzyl alcohol, acetone, acetaldehyde, acetic acid and nitrobenzene. Oxygen-containing organic solvents have been found to be preferable. The alcohols have been found to be most suitable in that they have less tendency to decompose than some of the other solvents, such as acetone, and they permit highly preferential separation. Both the monohydric and polyhydric alcohols may be used, but it is believed that the monohydric alcohol, methanol, is the most satisfactory solvent."
  16. 1) somebody found metal meteorite, and found that it's very durable, so naturally started searching for more, from more reliable source (mines). 2) Pb has melting temperature 327.5 °C. Tin has 231.93 °C. So if somebody throw accidentally piece of rock which had Pb/Sn, it melted and they found it's pretty usable. Started searching for more such rocks.
  17. Do you have a sample to play with? I would analyze compounds of these metals, to find one which is soluble in some solvent, while the other one is barely soluble. Difference between properties of compounds which can be utilized during separation. F.e. there is Zr(NO3)4 which can be prepared by using ZrCl4 + N2O5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zirconium_nitrate Check if Hafnium also undergoes this reaction, and whether it's also soluble in water and ethanol, and in what concentrations. If there is difference in concentration at which one is still soluble, other one not anymore, utilize this to separate them. Edit: Just found "Differences in the solubility of the tetrachlorides in ethanol have been used for the separation of zirconium and hafnium." https://www.inorganicventures.com/samples-containing-zirconium-or-hafnium
  18. I have other idea: cover roads with material producing electricity from the Sun. There is large area: same as highways area, which is absorbing 16% from 1050 W/m2 at max 170 W/m2, currently available technology. The better solar panels technology the better percentage of energy absorbed. Currently people thought about using car surface to gather all energy needed for car. Small area, small energy absorbed. But highway has extremely large area overall, it can gather energy from dozen meters, hundred meters, km around car, and pass to cars/devices above it, levitating or traveling above it.. That requires complete rethinking "fuel" idea, "energy" idea, and "car"/"vehicle" idea. Instead of getting energy from fuel, use road to gather energy for cars/vehicles to run, literally forever, as long as Sun exists. Car could have permanent magnets in its body. While road making electromagnets using energy from the Sun. Causing body of object levitating above it. Then there is needed very little energy to cause movement. The whole idea about batter for car will be meaningless..
  19. Tried? img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; Together with Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" Like they said in threads.. ? The whole thing is about origin of image. If it's dynamic/loaded from server outside of our control, it can change content to something else, so it could be used to in inject something to our server.
  20. Did you read my links? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22097747/getimagedata-error-the-canvas-has-been-tainted-by-cross-origin-data/27840082#27840082
  21. Dump width and height somewhere, so you see their value. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22097747/getimagedata-error-the-canvas-has-been-tainted-by-cross-origin-data
  22. Distance is also measured by laser, photons send to object, reflected, and measuring time needed to return photons back.
  23. See how it's done here Up-side-down graduated cylinders, filled with water, gas is gathering at the top of them. Not for a long time, as they are not perfectly hermetic leak-tight.
  24. First, what are your energy needs? I used to have 353 kWh per month, but bought watt meter, measured literally the all devices, around me. Including computer speakers etc. And guess what. There was plentiful of devices that even if they are turned off, but not unplugged, still eat energy like they would be completely turned on, with marginal difference. That was the case with HD satellite receiver, and computer speakers.. After making complete list of the all devices on paper, calculated the cost, and possible gain, if they will be plugged only when used. I started turning them off, when they are not needed, unplugging from wire. And after a year and half, I have 45%-50% energy used. Double less than 2 years ago. Approximately 175 kWh per month. And it's visible on the bill. Not a single 100 W traditional light bulb has been replaced. I like them (unlike LED). Reading your 1st post, I thought so you wanted to build your own, not buy ready.. After all we're in "Engineering" section. 60 ft wind turbine, AFAICS on the Internet, can bring up to 10 kW, that's like 20 houses, not one.. Search "wind turbine" on eBay. See this f.e. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Phoenix-Max-550-W-Watt-12-V-DC-Wind-Turbine-Generator-System-Charge-Controller-/201422483490?hash=item2ee5b73022:g:TFEAAOSw5VFWLcgt 300 usd for 550 W (would be enough for me even prior optimizations, as long as wind speed >10 m/s). Have couple such, and there will be smaller wind speed needed at a time.
  25. 1 L of gas has approximately ~ 0.04464 mol/L but 1 L of water has ~ 55.5 mol/L That's it: gas has ~ 1243 times smaller density. From 1 mol of water you can create 1 mol of H2, and 0.5 mol of O2. So if you would manage to split 1L of water to Hydrogen and Oxygen you would produce nearly 1864 L of gases = 1.864 m3. You could try liquefying, but it's not easy, nor safe (remind what happened with Challenger), liquid Hydrogen has density ~ 70.85 g/L, liquid Oxygen has density ~ 1141 g/L, So from 1L of water you would get ~ 1.58 L of liquid Hydrogen, and ~ 0.79 L of liquid Oxygen.
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