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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. The most basic electrical devices consist of the following elements: a resistor, a capacitor and an coil. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resistor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inductor The most basic electronic devices have the above elements plus a diode (or equivalent vacuum tube), a transistor (or equivalent vacuum tube), integrated circuits, microcontrollers, and processors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diode https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transistor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_tube https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_circuit Integrated circuits, microcontrollers and processors are programmable, that is, they execute a program that someone wrote and upload to them or to RAM and/or ROM. Where stands your "steel wool" with the above?
  2. No. Human is not a true hermaphrodite for the same reason that man does not have six fingers or six legs, i.e. inheritance of genes from an older generation to a newer one. Errors in DNA reproduction result in the deactivation or even complete loss of part of the genetic code. Once the tetrapodomorphs developed four (premature) legs, and passed them on to the tetrapod, it was very difficult to regain the legs lost in evolution. The same applies to hermaphroditism.
  3. ..extremely capacious range of knowledge probed to be reduced to a few sentences that will be a farce of an answer.. some people spend live on it.. 7zip is known for using AES-256. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard But what really matters is what block mode.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation See the image encoded with ECB block mode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Electronic_codebook_(ECB) The lack of an initialization vector can have bad consequences..
  4. Obviously. But the question is whether you or anyone should trust them. ..how will you do that? Obviously not by e-mail, FB, social medias, not by voice by phone.. Which anyone can decrypt with the ZIP password cracking tool for Linux: https://www.kali.org/tools/fcrackzip/ it is the silliest idea to do.. and has nothing to do with "convenience".. unless "convenient" means "total insecurity".. Then what for to password protect it in the first place? in some/typical cases, an image is harder to decipher than plain text.. Protecting against interception of information is one side of the coin. The second side is whether the data that was sent came from a legitimate source.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_signature https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy
  5. Current animals and organisms are simply the lucky survivors of mass extinctions in the past.
  6. You might as well ask why a man has five fingers, or why he doesn't have six legs. An interesting case is sequential hermaphroditism in fish that change gender: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequential_hermaphroditism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_wrasse
  7. If you look at the biomass of organisms on Earth, you will see that most living organisms do not have sex at all or are hermaphrodites. https://ourworldindata.org/life-on-earth Mammals evolved from reptiles, and these evolved from amphibians, and these evolved from fish. Something that works will not suddenly change into something else because it would disrupt the whole process of fetal development. Changes happen very slowly over millions of years.
  8. A regular user does not have access to YouTube cookies.. There are three types of cookies. HTTP cookies, JavaScript local supercookies and JavaScript session supercookies. JS cookies are set and retrieved from JavaScript. HTTP cookies are sent from your browser when you visit the site. They are all stored on the user's computer. Optionally, they may also be stored on the server. It depends on the webmaster/administrators of the visited site. Clearing the cache and cookies does not guarantee no recognition if you visit the same site again. People use Google accounts, Apple IDs, etc. Without a Google account on your smartphone, you can't use the Google Play Store, for example. And every time you visit YouTube, you are asked to sign in, etc. Google stores the IMEI of your smartphones when you create an account, or sign in to the existing account from the next model, i.e. they know that someone sold you a smartphone, gave it to you, that you stole it from someone, that you found someone else's smartphone, etc. etc. You would have to click on his personal website to use any of these cookies. Or he would have to use web beacon on his website. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_beacon The amount of knowledge is quite large. He would have to have his own server, know HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, etc. etc. to be able to create such ID theft functionality. And it would work regardless of whether he wrote a YouTube video post or anything else. You wouldn't know that his post was using this technology..
  9. Clouds are moving in the foreground, which gives the impression that the sun is moving..
  10. Scientists have spent decades on this, a lifetime, and you want us to explain everything to you from scratch. Start from learning how to measure distance to distant stars.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellar_parallax Once you know how to measure distances to near stars, move on to farther stars, then to galaxies, and then to distant galaxies.. If a galaxy is farther away tomorrow than it is today, the obvious conclusion will be that we are receding away.. All this is based on the finite and constant speed of light.
  11. I stick to original definition of a lie as something false. The delay in delivering the message is irrelevant here. Otherwise, you can call the Sun a lie, because it is 8 minutes late on the Earth. Which will be ridiculous.
  12. Calling it a "lie" to receive correct information with some delay is a serious misuse. The same is true of e-mails, text messages or social networks, where time is counted in milliseconds or even seconds. Lying, as far as I remember, is receiving incorrect information. delay in receiving a message does not make the message false.
  13. Not exactly a hydrogen-powered vehicle accident, but a CNG-powered bus. It starts at the 47-second mark if you don't want to listen to the short introduction:
  14. C'mon. They want to use liquid Hydrogen inside of regular cars. I have here buses which run on liquid Hydrogen ATM... There are smarter ways to use this precious helium than balloons and airships.
  15. The problem is that words don't mean the same thing if you say them in different parts of the world.
  16. Is this a big surprise? Why does anyone waste their time on you when you reject common knowledge.. ? I have provided the data of Cambridge University.. If you disagree with them, write to them to update their data according to your pet theories..
  17. Your personal interpretation of words is irrelevant, since we use a common language, you have to use the same interpretation of a word or sentence as everyone else on the world, otherwise you won't be understood if you write a public post e.g. just like every day you do so.. ..better worry who will switch it off..
  18. ..a joke to one is real life to another entity.. ..it depends on competences, knowledge and privileges..
  19. Who cares about your point of view? @swansont @Phi for All Instead of you, we have the Cambridge University dictionary: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/self-made "rich and successful as a result of your own work and not because of family money" I used the well-known Cambridge's dictionary definition of the word, and instead of approval ("acceptance of the statement") I got 4 negative points in this thread, for no reason.. ps. This is semantics. Your family bought you food, gave you other goods and so on when you were young. The point is in the details.
  20. Use styrofoam.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polystyrene
  21. Isn't it the same as in my example with trading satellites delivered into space for money? i.e. the government pays to lift xxx tons of something for yyy amount of money, instead of NASA.. ? We have more than a dozen such services at the moment, unfortunately.. It is not the point. The issue is what someone understands by "self-made billionaire." I have expressed what most people in the world mean by it.
  22. People buy stuff somebody produce.. Without buyers, fortunes cannot grow.. IOW, how can you literally do it yourself if you rely on customers? If I bought/mined 1000/10000/100000/1000000 BTC 15 years ago, am I a sell-made millionaire/billionaire? Depends on the country.. ...if someone has earned several hundred million dollars from PayPal alone and has gained a globally recognized position, such a person is in a slightly different position than an ordinary John Doe, if we are talking about receiving government investments after completing a several dozen-page contract with the government.. ps. I feel uncomfortable in the position of Elon's advocate.. Let's invite him here on the forum. After all, he is a physicist..
  23. "Self-made millionaire" means that someone did not get millions from his parents. Heritage them. "Self-made billionaire" means that someone doesn't get billionaires from his parents. And that's it. The real way to get millions or billions is under the rug, which you don't have access to. Now you (plural) came up with a new definition that self-made billionaire cannot get money from anybody else or government.. They how can they get it otherwise? Or how can you get any money? You (scientists) depend on government subsidies the most... I bet Elon would survive collapse of government subsidies.. unlike a regular scientist who rely on it on a daily basis.. The whole thread is bizarre for me.. as it is about semantics.. A long before Elon even imagined anything he had milllions from selling PayPal..
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