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  1. Hi Martillo, What I do not understand, is that you don't start to read. Several experts here have told you, that electron configuration in atoms and molecules, and chemical bonds, are thoroughly understood, and already belong to established science. Of course, there are still problems enough, but many (most?) of them are practical: even if we have the basic theories, the calculations become next to impossible when many particles are involved, and therefore approximations or experiments are needed. (just imagine: there is still no general analytical solution for the 3-particle problem , i.e. 3 particles that move under simple Newtonian gravity! How more difficult is it when you want to describe multiple particle problems for atomar conditions!) The problem you have seems to me that what you understand about these topics so far, does not fit the concepts you use to approach atomar and molecular processes and configurations. I can only say: believe the experts here, and the established science, that there is no problem. There simply is no need for a new basic theory, so don't spill your time on it. Use your time to get into the present scientific understanding. Read about quantum theory, quantum electrodynamics, and chemical bonding. Try to find the books that fit to your present understanding, and bring you to a higher level of insight about these topics. I am sure that some of the participants in this thread will help you to find the right books (or maybe even good web pages). I assure you, great new vistas will be opened in your mind. Let us know, if you need any help to find the right texts for you. Cheers, Eise
    1 point
  2. Actually I think it is worse than just plain old meaningless. It is triply redundant meaningless. 😉
    1 point
  3. I am for supporting the Ukraine. But I come to the conclusion that they should have avoided war and surrendered to Russia. Yes I know it is more honorable to fight. But I don’t think fighting was in its best interest. They could fight a battle they can win. But more importantly look at the loss of life. At least with surrendering civilian lives are saved. And there would be open peace talks. I don’t like to see them be given ineffective weapons because airplanes and missiles are what they need. From what I hear on the news the can’t attack Russian soil. I want them to prevail but I don’t like to see all these people dying for lack of diplomacy.
    1 point
  4. You are here to defend your thesis, and that means not to keep using your article as it's own evidence. Your approach is getting annoying. The best explanation for consciousness I've seen involves sufficient system integration and sufficient complexity. What is 'sufficient'? We can't know until we can observe and quantify it. That is the nature of an emergent property.
    1 point
  5. Mordred, In the one link though it showed an electron responding to zero point energy like a ball on the end of a spring, with a sine wave type recoil pattern shown. An electron can't become a little more or a little less matter. It has to have a little more or a little less energy to follow the sine wave pattern shown. That would indicate a potential in an energy field, carried by a photon like entity. And my question is, if energy is exchanged in quanta, by a single photon of a certain energy, wavelength and amplitude, does this mean, to get the sine wave pattern shown in the spring recoil model, does an electron need to receive a photon on every up and release a photon on every down? Regards, TAR
    1 point
  6. The actions of the V.P., and historical data to date, indicate that the russkies, after capturing a region, annihilate, mass murder all opposition and intelligence, in the region, in order to have "peace and quiet", just slaves obedient to their rules.. slaves like their own citizens.. Why do you think they put eastern and southern Ukrainians (from occupied regions) in "filtration camps" and send others to the far eastern regions of Siberia and Asia.... ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_filtration_camps Millions of Ukrainians have "disappeared".. I am surprised Ukrainians didn't destroy bridges on Dnieper to Kherson.. if/when V.P. forces will be forced to escape Kherson, they will certainly destroy them anyway.. so, better take them into blockade, when there is time for it, than give them route of escape to other side of the river.. (Dnieper is ~ 500m wide in that area) The more V.P. units captured in Kherson, the better (for Ukrainians).. Ukrainian forces must be well prepared to cross the Dnieper River without any bridge.. or southern Ukraine is lost..
    0 points
  7. In answer to your first question it is my opinion that that philosophy is far superior to science.Mainstream science just thinks it knows best
it doesn’t. Mainstream science is wrong and failing because it adopts a half philosophy that it has no way of definitively proving. Half philosophy science suits secular scientists though because it pampers to their hopeful belief systems.All they have is hope you see like everyone else. If you let unaware secular scientists loose with science it will all go belly up and it has. Secular scientist don’t even understand consciousness and yet a child could understand it. What mainstream scientist don’t get is you have to adopt “player” science to understand consciousness.You can’t understand it with “spectator” science. Its the “easy problem” in “player” science and not the “hard problem”.
    -1 points
  8. Martillo, Immanuel Velikovsky in his book, ‘Earth In Uheaval’, said, “All fruitful ideas have been conceived in the minds of the nonconformists, for whom the known was still unknown, and who often went back to begin where others passed by, sure of their way. The truth of today was the heresy of yesterday. Imagination coupled with skepticism and an ability to wonder if you possess these, bountiful nature will hand you some of the secrets out of her inexhaustible store. The pleasure you will experience in discovering truth will repay you for your work; don't expect other compensation, because it may not come. Yet, dare.,” pg 271/303. As long as one is trying, mistakes’ll be made and the most important lesson of it is to learn from that, any, experience.
    -1 points
  9. Hallo. The context of that statement therefore means that the concept of Infinity’s an illusion.
    -1 points
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