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  1. Because a system the size of a cat cannot be isolated from its environment by any practical means. When you scale up a quantum system, you also scale up the degree by which it will undergo decoherence due to interactions with its environment. For a system the size of a cat, decoherence happens so quickly that any quantum effects become entirely negligible almost instantaneously (not that you could even establish such a superposition in the first place!). Colloquially put, the system’s quantumness - if there is any to begin with - bleeds out into the environment, and this happens the more quickly the bigger the system is. In principle it is possible for such a superposition to exist, if you could somehow find a way to completely prevent the cat from interacting with its environment; in practice this is not possible by any conceivable means. Even superpositions in very small systems - like on atomic scales - are difficult to maintain for any length of time for this same reason; this is eg one of the fundamental issues in quantum computing.
    2 points
  2. If knowledge ever comes back. Otherwise, it's missionary work.
    1 point
  3. I know what you mean. Sometimes questions are asked on this site, and members are all too quick to jump on them with claims of 'hidden agendas' and accusations of 'denial'. I prefer giving the benefit of the doubt, and I've often been wrong, but sometimes peple just come to a science site to get the opinion of scientifically minded people. Why waste an opportunity to change the opinion of someone who's not thinking clearly ? Not that I'm accusing anyone of doing so, but sometimes the most important discussions, pertaining to climate change, race and gender relations, gun control, etc., are shut down by such accusations before they even begin. Unfortunate because these are discussions that need to happen
    1 point
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