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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/21 in all areas

  1. Three points: 1) An integral part of higher education and research is critical examination and questioning of the status quo - be it in the context of physics, biology, sociology, history, art etc. This means that the central mindset within higher learning and research institutions is fundamentally progressive, but not necessarily in the political sense. We have seen universities at the forefront of socio-political change, especially during the Bolshevik revolution, the civil rights movement, Arab spring, etc. They tend to be agents of change rather than conservatism, by nature of what they fundamentally do. 2) The Trump administration was an anomalous, unprecedentedly unscientific administration that aggressively attacked both science and education. Being anti-Trump is not the same as being anti-conservative. 3) In context to the US, the division between the major political parties is a kind of bizarre mish mash of political ideologies that don't necessarily align with quintessential conservative/liberal positions. The GOP is not fiscally conservative. Libertarians vote for right wing authoritarians because of gun rights. The democrats support an exploitative, corporate labor structure and military industrial complex. The GOP has painted itself into a corner with regards to science through climate change and environmental policy. Being anti-GOP isn't necessarily the same as being ideologically anti-conservative.
    2 points
  2. Yes, probably. I have been going through quite a few student theses recently and my brain just blanks out things that do not make sense for self-preservation, I think.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. My cat was sitting on my lap while I wached the video. She was licking her lips the whole time. Very nice, Moon.
    1 point
  5. Nice work, Moon! That’s the most transparent plywood I’ve ever seen!
    1 point
  6. It seems to me that some level of prejudice is actually something people are born with, however racism is a conscious decision to embrace and act on that unreasonable instinctual prejudice.
    1 point
  7. What does it mean to be "white"? I have friends of various ethnicities. One friend told me he was chastised by his family for "speaking too white", and he "shouldn't forget where he came from". He said he found the comments confusing. Overall I think this kind of racial framing is counterproductive.
    1 point
  8. 7,5 and 108 minutes are the maximum values of solar and lunar eclipses, and therefore may well be taken as constants in calculations. With the same distance between the Moon and the Earth. At the same speed of the Moon (the orbit of the Moon moves with the speed of the Earth). From the quote you quoted above your question, it is quite understandable why I assume that the Moon left a trail between South America and Antarctica. The calculated and actual sizes coincide quite accurately.
    -1 points
  9. The duration of an eclipse is directly proportional to the size of the object, all other things being equal (distance and speed). The duration of the total phase of a solar eclipse is 7.5 minutes (the Moon completely covers the Sun for 7.5 minutes). The duration of the total phase of the lunar eclipse is 108 minutes (the Earth completely covers the Sun for 108 minutes). With the same distance between the Moon and the Earth. At the same speed of the Moon (the orbit of the Moon moves with the speed of the Earth). The diameter of the Earth is 12,742 km. Therefore, the diameter of the Moon can be calculated using the following formula: 12 742 * (7.5 / 108) = 885 km. The official diameter of the Moon is 3,474 km. Moreover, the result of calculating the diameter of the Moon quite accurately coincides with the size of the track between South America and Antarctica (875 km. + - 25 km.), which confirms the calculation and minimizes probability of a simple coincidence.
    -1 points
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