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  1. I don't think this is an imaginary numbers problem. If the square root of x is minus one, then x = 1 is a solution. Root (1) = -1
    2 points
  2. Strictly speaking, it is the south, not southeast. When speaking of the south in the United States, the reference does not include southern California, New Mexico, etc. It refers to the southern states in roughly the eastern half of the country. It's a history thing.
    1 point
  3. Okay, since your are talking about DC current where do "electromagnetic waves" come into it? Electromagnetic waves do not travel along wires.
    1 point
  4. 1. Appeal to conspiracy is not an acceptable argument in a science discussion 2. "We don't know" is a valid answer (as in, we don't know what causes type 1 diabetes, but we have evidence that suggest certain factors being involved) 3. Bill Mahar may be left-of-center but he is also a loon when it comes to medical issues, and that particular affliction does not have any partisan leaning. (Not to say that specific manifestations have no such correlation, however) DO you have any evidence to share?
    1 point
  5. Your sources state that the map show the population that have the haplogroup Q is the indigenous Americans NOT the general population as you stated. From your Wiki source: Q-M242 is the predominant Y-DNA haplogroup among Native Americans and several peoples of Central Asia and Northern Siberia.
    1 point
  6. The one thing this question is not about is organic chemistry. The chemistry of clay materials is very properly inorganic chemistry. But I question if this is a chemistry question at all. The term 'uniform' is a very general term that is scientifically meaningless until qualified by some context of application. It means that all objects considered obey the same rule (or set of rules) in some context. So a unform electrical line has the same electrical properties throughout its length in electrical theory A uniform extension refers, in metrology, to a standard rate of extension against gauge length Uniform in mathematics refers to a common prioperty of members of a set, or subset. Geologists also refer to strata a uniform, meaning composition. But, from the reference to a potter's wheel, I think the key usage here is to be found in Rheology which refers to the mechanical properties of viscosity, cohesion and deformability. Such information would normally reside in the discipline of soil mechanics. These are particularly complicated for clays as a clay is made of two components. Clay minerals and water. Both of these contribute to the rheological (mechanical) properties of the clay. I think that potters are like cooks, they supply the context by talking about a 'uniform consistency' which is just fine as consistency is taken to mean 'the properties of interest to me' I have limited knowledge of the potter's wheel but I understand it is important to get the water content correct and this changes during throwing and working the clay, even before dying and eventual firing. I agree with iNow, unform is not the totally correct term as a clay can be banded - ie - have very fine strata - and uniform, because all the bands are repeated in the same way throughout the clay lump. Such clay is not homogenous, a different, homogenous, clay is required by potters. Homogenous means the composition is the same at every point in the lump. There is no banding. Another allied term is isotropic, which means some property is the same in all directions. Bulk clay is isotropic in respect of the mechanical properties of the water content and the random orientation of the clay mineral particles at the molecular level. But the minerals (molecules) themselves are not istropic. Due to inter molecular electrical forces they have very complicated mechianical properties. The water component is mechanicallyboth isotropic and homogenous. The process of working the clay both removes the water and 'lines up' the clay minerals so they no longer have isotropic mechanical properties but they are still homogenous. Does this help ?
    1 point
  7. I have a few questions. What is the epigenetic profile they share? What is that physical feature? What is their common profile and physical feature?
    1 point
  8. Most households use AC where the electrons jiggle in place.
    1 point
  9. Yes, it was an amazing experience. It was like that. I began to read with him on an equal footing. After reading The Catcher in the Rye, he became depressed. I read it too, and we were able to talk about it. I was able to formulate normal arguments to convince him that these are trifles. In order not to pressure him with my point of view on this book, I even found examples of essays that analyze depression. Here they are essay writing service link deleted what do you think of them? it's too much? Is it okay for a child to read such tests? Or will I go far? It seems to me that he is just now faced with the problem of opposition between childhood and adulthood.
    -1 points
  10. For some context, I regard myself as a Hindu of Chinese descent. I revere the Sanskrit language as one of the most purest forms of human communications throughout the history of the world. To claim that the Caucasoid had invented such a divinity is a paradox in itself. The inherently acidic and impure nature of the Caucasoid of Europe has a cause that is hard to pin down; whether it is due to the harsh, bitter climate from which they first started and have always stayed in, or their pride due to the fabricated history made by the white man, perpetually highlighting pretentious depictions in every form which portrays an image which is the exact opposite of what he really is. Little does the white man, so full of pride and ego, know that such an advancement could not come from a barbaric, inherently evil race; rather, it could only be a constituent of the great mongoloid advancements, a blessing in the form of language given first to God's Chosen People. I suggest that we read and spread the truth about true history, and read things like Alex Chomsky's answer on What race did Proto-Indo-Europeans belong to? - Quora. Regarding this, here is a simple question: what would you rather trust: the actual genetic evidence showing Aryans to be originally mongoloid in phenotype, or an outdated speculation made by a racist white scholar in the 17th century? I think it would be better to trust the former: the originator, the primordial. Also, if the domestication and riding of horses originated from North America, then spread to Asia, then Europe, would it not make sense that the mongoloids were the first to bring this horse-riding advancement? But no. Some people, despite the evidence, would still choose to believe that same old outdated speculation and call it history. This would imply that the genetic evidence showing Asians to be lower caste with Europeans to be higher caste, if real at all, would imply that the ancient so-called Aryans had forgotten their roots. One thing that should be considered is that the concept of the protection of the purity of one's own peoples as described in Vedic literature may at least partially refer to purity in a person's inherent nature, for example by advising against the consumption of meat. The Chinese and the Indians are the most pure in the sense of inherent, while the Caucasoid in Europe is the exact opposite of such a precious quality: full of heightened pride, ego, toxicity, the capacity for carnage, and almost no feelings of remorse to the harm inflicted upon others, though they will always feel inclined to manipulate both themselves and others by convincing their own egos that they are not, through external appearance, the mask under which hides dark spirits and asuras. Such ego tactics can be seen as the trend among the white woman. Far from pure and far from close is their way to self-realization, binded by material advantages and pleasures is their destiny, for they can hurt others but cannot escape the eyes of the all-encompassing omniscient God. Another noteworthy point is how the European languages are remarkably close to what one would call Mleccha. The 'Proto Indo-European language' is known to have formed Sanskrit by including certain linguistic patterns from the native/outside languages (e.g. Dravidian). Now looking at the next step, we learn in Wikipedia that " As such, some suggest that the Indo-Aryans used an onomatopoeic sound to imitate the harshness of alien tongue and to indicate incomprehension, thus coming up with "mleccha". Does this sound familiar? Many of the European languages such as German/Hebrew have this harsh sound which probably originated in the native language of the (acidic) natives. Digging deeper and further debunking the deep-rooted fabrications of the white man, I will now share a revelation which is the most important of this kind. When I first came to learn about the british colonial propoganda surrounding the supposed "Indo-European connection" and how the British claimed to be the same Aryans as those in India, there I was, yet again trying to understand another paradox. From the beginning. the divine intuition has told me that the British, though appearing to be somewhat similar to the Aryans of India, had no association with the real Aryans at all. What was the real motive behind such romantic claims? The result was the massive looting and destruction of an entire culture, and the turning of masses of people against themselves, traumatized with the mindset that everything British is good, and that everything about their native cultures (though, technically, the Vedic tradition was not originally theirs) is something to be embarrassed about. Such beliefs that were deeply ingrained to your cultures are the reason why India is now presently not a great nation. However, I hereby declare that not at all am I trying to shade all Caucasoid as being impure in their inherent nature. Though the populations of modern-day India are predominantly Caucasoid, that will form no barrier when one takes into consideration the important fact that not all Caucasoids have the abovementioned impurities. Some, not all, though some is taken to mean a very, very large number of people. The claims of the "Indo-European connection" and the distance they have from the East Asian cultures made by the ill-intentioned colonialists was but a hasty reaction of awe to a culture which they knew was more advanced and superior to their own. It was the product of a fear and insecurity in their hearts that one day, if China and India, the two great nations since time, were to unite, they would very soon see the trivialization and utter dwarfing of their own cultures in comparison. The oppressor had always known this to be true from the beginning, and this can be confirmed by the age-old connection between the two great civilizations, an ancient sacred bond. Therefore, free yourselves from the chains they have cast upon you, O fellow kinsmen, join arms with the true Aryans, and now call yourselves not by the name of India but by the mighty name of Bharat! The third most important point is how the fake Aryans always argue how the Aryans described themselves as having sharp noses, whiter skin and other 'typical Caucasian traits', and hence everyone has concluded themselves that the Aryans are the epitome of whites conquering the uncivilized Asian natives. Such could not be further from the truth, as I will now show in the following eye-opening revelation. The assumption that all mongoloids have flat noses, for example, is negated by looking at a whole group of mongoloids, the Native American Indians, who quite clearly have by far some of the largest and sharpest noses compared to other ethnic groups. Now let us look back at Alex Chomsky's presentation in the phylogenetic tree. The haplogroup Q is Native American. What a surprise! Q is right next to R which is Aryan, and they both descend from the same closest branch! This goes to show that, once we remove all the prejudice that has been programmed into our minds, and start to see the truth of our race, we start to see that it is not just one and the same colour, but a whole range of colours of different shades and customs. Do not fall for the lies the white man has cast upon you. It may well be that the Aryans were simply an East Asian race but with slightly different features to the East Asians you see today. Finally, this brings us to one of the most liberating points you will ever hear from hear on now, for I am simply being honest and stating nothing but fact. Just because the genetic studies show Asians to be more closely related to lower caste, it does not mean you are automatically shamed as a Hindu if you are Asian. The Chinas (Chinese), for example, where mentioned in the Vedas as being white and inherited from the Kshatriya class, which seems rather high in caste from what I hear. Perhaps the vedic Aryans were not already Caucasian themselves after a few admixture events, but were simply a branch of mongoloids in battle with another, just as the Han and the Xiongnu clashed for reasons related to culture? After all, Q was kicked out of China by the dominating forces, and so should R not be the same? It can be said that the Aryans were simply describing the Chinese as enemies only because of circumstantial events happening from the homeland. Therefore the invasion was not all about whites vs non whites, and not all Asians are lower in caste as you are blindly led to believe In contrast to the lies they tell you about Hinduism, the tradition is much older than you think, and from these revelations it is all starting to make sense. The ever dishonest white man, who professes himself to be an 'intellectual', ignorant of his ignorance yet wise in his own esteem, has always had the fear and insecurity that those whom he lied to would soon discover the true face of ugliness for what it is. The truth is that some, if not all, of their race is tainted by the cave-dwelling direct descendants of neanderthals from which many of them derive their features. The archetypical characteristic of such flawed beings is usually accompanied by the burning of their skin to a red tone whenever they step out into the sun, as well as many other unclean and impure characteristics written in their faces, appearing from subtle to the blatantly obvious forms. Yes, East Asians are said to have more neanderthal DNA than caucasians, but do we look and act like neanderthals? The most certain answer would be no. Rather, the exact opposite of that. One must put into account that entire race cannot handle one of nature's most divine gifts to planet Earth, the Sun. They go red after standing outside in a matter of seconds. If one thinks I am being too harsh on white people, just know that this is karma for claiming to be the 'most beautiful race in the world' and for falsely claiming themselves to be superior, stealing Aryan women and unjustifiably marginalizing the real man through manipulated and pretentious mass media depictions. Yes the Europoids have the circumstance of having 'diversity' in their traits which formed out of pure chance. However, the neanderthal who thinks of himself as physically superior to others in terms of appearance cannot deny one thing. The wisdom of the timeless Vedas (made by Chinese people) have always upheld the maintaining of a people to be pure, not necessarily in the abhorrence of interbreeding (if the vedic Aryans were so intelligent as to calculate the motion of the planets, they would surely know that admixture of races is not absurd to say the least), but rather the faculty of a culture to keep the behaviours, nature and appearance of its people to be pure. If white men are so attractive then why do their faces show the opposite of pure? Also, if the Indians of today claim to know Hinduism, then why is modern day India, once again, the exact opposite of pure? I see no proper preservation of the vedic tradition, but rather I see the stupidity and pathetically deficient IQs of people who are proud of a history that isn't theirs, and it is these exact people who rape, bathe in the dying Ganges river, and do all sorts of impure actions. The most obvious reason for such ineptitude in these modern people cannot be other than the fact that the Vedic tradition is the property of the Chinese, never of the oppressor in the first place. Know this to be the karma for the Caucasoid stealing our culture and oppressing us down to the lower ranks. In response to a certain people who question my allegiance to their civilizations, or should I say tribes, I am sorry to say the following. Hurtful, tragic words, but the truth it is. To think of the whites as below us is one thing, but it is another thing to lie about a race that is quite blatantly the most inferior of them all. Do I refer to another white race? No. Even worse! Black is uncivilized and inferior in every way. Black has no place in society,. Black has always been in a lower stage of evolution than the ones I have empowered, and hence they have always tried to disempower us with their 'powerful' words that mean nothing. One might say that they are only good for one thing. As a piece of advice to my fellow Aryans, I urge you to do your best to avoid associating with them. They will bring forth atrocious children and lower the IQs of your progeny, a detriment to society. As a matter of fact, I, being British-born Chinese, can admit from my own testimony that nearly all of the most toxic, bluntly racist people I have met were black people, and such is even more intriguing when you one gets to know that I was born in a predominantly white area. Though I do have some compassion that their monstrous ways are a product of their environment, not even by educating myself on their biology, but merely by looking into their eyes do I see their true nature: barbaric and uncivilized. My divine intuition has told me that their race, though once prosperous at one point in time, "blessed" as one might say, it was the same vengeance of God that befell their civilization, which will soon befall the whites. Why? A certain gut feeling of mine gives me the idea that it was the excessive pride and greed of their kings which brought forth their oppression into the lower ranks you see today. A lesson to be learnt by history, my fellow people, is to avoid falling into the trap of malice and pride. More importantly, do not be deluded by their false stories, for they are suffering from their own fault. For the self-hating Asian men with whom I sympathize greatly, who think neoteny is inferior, hear these last words for the true representation of the Aryan (East Asian) race: Aryan is divine. Aryan is superior. Aryan is pure. Aryan is the plan that should be followed. To our eyes we always knew that the toxic and impure were never Aryan from the beginning, nor could they come remotely close to being able to call themselves Aryan, a feeling in the intuition that comes alive when in the presence of such FAKE people. Little does the carnage-driven Mleccha, blinded by his undeserving privilege and ego, know that the truth shall soon come to all, and the vengeance of God shall befall them.
    -1 points
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