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  1. Hope everyone is sharing the Christmas holydays with family and loved ones. May the season bring all the best to you and yours.
    2 points
  2. This is really dependent on where the probe is relative to the Earth and Moon. Assuming, you could see a "muzzle flash" caused by scattering of light from the laser, and then a reflection off the Moon when the beam hit: If you are positioned so that the Earth- Moon line is at a right angle to your line of sight and are an equal distance from Earth and Moon, then 1 sec after the muzzle flash you would detect the reflection off the Moon. However, if your line of sight is along the Earth- moon line (and neither of these bodies block your view of either flash or refection), Then: If the Moon is on the far side of the Earth, you will see the reflection 2 sec after the muzzle flash, as the refection has to travel to the Moon and back to the Earth before it gets to you,while the muzzle flash only has to travel from the Earth. If the Moon is on the side towards you, you will see both at the same time, as light of the muzzle flash will be passing the Moon at the same moment as the reflection is produced at the Moon. Other viewing angles to the laser path line will produce results between these extremes.
    2 points
  3. (I understand you) ...some people even commits suicides talking about honour... Brits committed sort of economical and political "suicide" by choosing to leave EU.. Now UK products will be less competitive on European markets. But they will still have to follow EU regulations to be accepted for sale on EU markets, without UK being able to have any inflence on these regulations.. Ain't plain stupid? If there would be referendum to jump off a cliff (this is what Brexit reminds me), would you still support it in second referendum again just to act honourfully? In Europe there was no serious war for over half century just because everybody integrated, assimilated, made friendships and families, made economical connections, living in peace, harmony and cooperation. And now you (UK) want to destroy all the effort put in making peace not war... Separated countries play to their own national goals.. We know whose influence divides us...
    2 points
  4. Finished one of the live edge end tables. I like that it kinda looks like a beetle. Lol
    2 points
  5. Read it all or skip some parts? I think I'll combine the two above and carefully exclude all of the material for now. But if you are able to post a complete and consistent description of your idea, (preferably together with some math or references backing up your claims), I'll try to read and review it.
    1 point
  6. The nearest thing to this is where we can see the light reflected from a supernova as it travels through clouds of gas and dust. For example: https://www.space.com/38731-exploding-star-echo-of-light-hubble-telescope.html
    1 point
  7. But you need one of the observers to be close to something like a black hole in order for this to be significant. So for example, lets say we have a star orbiting a galaxy at the same distance from the center of the galaxy as our Sun is from ours( _26,000 ly). We we also assume that the mass of that galaxy is 150 billion solar masses. We can plug these numbers in and at least get a ball park figure of how much time dilation you could expect. if you do that, you get an answer of 0.999999548 for the time dilation factor. This is totally insignificant and many, many many factors too small to account for the rotation curves we see. The only way time dilation could be a significant factor is if the galaxy contained a great deal more mass than what we see, much more "extra mass" than what we presently calculate for Dark matter. You would have made the problem worse in terms of extra mass needed rather than better. And, as I already mentioned, if time dilation were the culprit, it would betray itself as a shift in the light spectrum. In a typical galaxy rotation curve, the star' orbital speeds remain fairly constant as you move out from the center. According to the amount of visible mass in the galaxy and how it is distributed, We would expect the star's orbital speeds to decrease with distance. If star B was twice as far out as star A, you would expect it to have around 70% the orbital speed of star A. If the reason we saw Star A with the same speed as star B was time dilation, this is a large time dilation factor, one that would also effect the light we see coming from these stars. The spectral lines produced by star A would be greatly shifted compared to those coming from Star B. This is not something we see in the spectrum from these stars. And while we use a shift in the spectrum due to Doppler shift to measure these differences in star orbital speed, the shift we measure is very small compared to what would be needed if time dilation were the cause. A star orbiting at 200 km/sec has a Doppler shift factor of 0.999335, compared to a factor of 0.999533 for one traveling at 70% of that speed. This only something in the order of a 0.01% difference, compared to the 70% difference needed for the measured speed to be due to a time dilation effect.
    1 point
  8. You can't see laser beam in cosmos as there is no medium. You can see laser beam in air just because some photons are bouncing from air molecules and diffuse (effect is the strongest in fog or dust i.e. microscopic water molecules ).
    1 point
  9. I'm not sure pebbles on a beach would be the best example of nature separating things by size or density - often they do appear well mixed although I have observed differentiation. Dawkins may have seen something like this -
    1 point
  10. Merry Christmas to all, I was going to post something here in the lounge and saw this thread, I hope you don't mined me putting it here instead. Does anyone else have a certain day that comes around every year that makes you wish you could do it over again? That one day a year that makes you feel regret that you didn’t do something to help someone you didn’t know, something that may have completely changed their life going forward. Well, my “do over day” was Christmas Eve 1993. We were working a half day installing an electric sign at a store in a small shopping center in a rather suburban area of town. It had a chain grocery store with a wing of maybe five small businesses off to one side. I was working outside of one of those small stores when a young gal of about 19 or 20 years of age walked up to a pay phone just a few steps away from where I was working. Anyone who saw her would have said she was very nice looking, or attractive or whatever appropriate adjective you would want use to describe her. You could also tell within a few moments of her talking on the phone that she was a very nice person. I only had to hear her speak a few words, maybe fourteen of them and watch how she responded to the person on the other end to know how caring she was to people. She was, for the lack of a better word, a sweet person, easy to know and care about. When she walked up to the phone she had a small backpack like college kids would carry and a shopping bag with what was obviously some individually wrapped presents inside. In her other hand was a pie of some sort, not in a box or anything, just a pie balanced in the palm of her hand. She set the bag with presents down and retrieved some change out of her tan leather coat pocket for the phone, all the while still keeping the pie level and secure. Her clothes were all very new, and for her age, very in style. Her hair was cut in a very short boy’s style. In fact all of her clothes were obviously from the young men’s section of a high end store. Her style was very common back then, and still is even today, here in Portland, Oregon Hi mom, . . . . . . It’s me, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .But, . . . . . . But, . . . Can I just come home on Christmas . . . . . . . . . .Ok, . . . . . Goodbye. She put the receiver away and used the palm of the same hand to wipe her left cheek and then her right eye. She looked over and saw my concern and gave me the bravest sad smile she could muster up. I didn’t know what to do or say. She gathered her now unwanted gifts, turned and walked off in the same direction she had come from. After a few minutes I started thinking of all the things I should have said and done. Taken the receiver and told her mom about the sweet young person on that end of the phone that still loves her mom. Tell her how she will dread the thought of this moment someday when she sees how wrong she was. I should have made sure she had some place to go that cold evening to come. Would she have taken my invitation to stay in my home and spend the holiday with my wife and three young children? I will never know the answer to these questions. I only hope she is now surrounded by the ones she loves and who love her in return, and that her life is now full of happiness.
    1 point
  11. Damn iNow that is really awesome! Many years from now your kids are going to be fighting over who gets to keep which of your projects. You are making things that will be in use in your family for years and years!
    1 point
  12. There is couple different types of supernovas. e.g. Supernova explosion can be result of collapse. Star's core runs out of fuel which can readily fuse. Iron atom cannot fuse with other iron atom at low temperatures as it is highly endothermic reaction. Therefor outer layers of star are no longer pushed away by particles created by core during regular fusion, and they collapse toward core. During this stage particles of outer layers accelerate to significant velocities gaining kinetic energy (prior explosion super giant star can have hundred millions kilometers diameter). When they hit core, or other particles from outer layers, explosion of supernova begins.. Do you agree with this? If you disagree, with this type of supernova, explain with details. Kepler's Supernova was in 1604. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler's_Supernova In 1572 there was supernova: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SN_1572 In 1885 there was supernova in Andromeda galaxy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SN_1885A Wikipedia article of SN 1572 reveals origin of name of supernova. Tycho Brahe on stellar map and in his book called it "nova stella" (new star). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_nova_stella
    1 point
  13. were up shit Creek and Trump's selling the paddles. and boris is ashore, yelling to us that it's a good deal.
    1 point
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