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  2. In a light clock the speed of light is invariant with respect to space but certainly not with respect to the light clock. You are confusing the invariance of the speed of light with respect to space or ether which is Lorentz's postulate and the invariance of the speed of light with respect to all inertial frames which is Einstein's.
  3. That's interesting. I had always understood that magnetic fields have energy, as for example in the stored energy in an energised electromagnet. If they do not, where does the energy come from when an object moves towards another under the influence of magnetic attraction? And you yourself say a magnetic field has an energy density.
  4. The whole point of the light clock is that the speed of light doesn't change. You don't seem to have much of an understanding of relativity. You should listen to the people on this forum, you will learn a lot.
  5. Just FYI, the energy density of the earth’s magnetic field is about a millijoule per cubic meter. Scale up as necessary for a stronger magnet. The energy for doing stuff with magnets is not contained in the magnetic field. https://brainly.com/question/17055580
  6. Information is related to entropy, but is not energy and can’t be “turned into” it. You don’t know what you are talking about.
  7. Today
  8. You need to read more carefully. I specified inertial frames. There are a number of explanations, easily found on the web, of how a light clock would work, based on an invariant c
  9. Precisely time is not absolute. If that's what you believe you need to catch up to modern research.
  10. Hi could this be a more simple way to calculate time in light clock time dilation experiment? On the lower picture the side of triangle 1/2xvxdelta t’ is actually 0.5 sec time - for spweed v=0 to c I will repeat this - the time tv =0.5 sec for any speed from 0 to 3x10e8 . for side L of left triangle at the bottom picture file is equal to delta t this time is easy to calculate delta t=2L/c to calculate delta t’ (Delta t’)^2=(0.5 sec)^2 + (delta t)^2 is this more simple way to calculate time dilation for light clock experiment ? And is there time dilation at all?
  11. If time dilation was a relative effect, it would not be absolute and the twin would not return younger. If the speed of light does not change relative to a moving object, how does a light clock work? It is the measurement of the speed of light that does not vary, not the speed itself. Meters and measuring standards are transformed in such a way that they always measure the same round-trip speed.
  12. No I'm not I know precisely how SR and GR works including the related math. I use it all the time as a professional physicist. Here is a challenge for describe at point between two observers in different reference frames where simultaneaty can be said to occur. Then add a third observer
  13. Yes of course, zoonotic disease are an ongoing concern. COVID-19 was one. It is just not a pandemic as COVID-19 is, as suggested in OP.
  14. How do you know that the speed of light is invariant? This is a eisteinian postulat, not a physical reality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-way_speed_of_light So this convention has nothing to do with experimentally verifiable predictions. I have demonstrated that this convention leads to a physical contradiction. This has been proven, for example, walking droplets in oil baths obey Lorentz transformations while moving. Lorentz transformations are proof that matter consists of moving standing waves of ether. C is invariant, but the speed of light relative to moving objects is not. In the absence of gravitation the speed of light is invariant with respect to ether or space The Doppler effect comes from relative speed and is generated during the acceleration period. If you don't accelerate you can't move. So you say yourself that the space twin change is velocity and produces a Doppler effect, so if it is the one moving it is not the Earth that is moving and there is no physical symmetry. Matter waves, gravitaional waves, any ether waves. What you say there is Einstein's interpretation. In this interpretation the lengths contract because the simultaneity physically changes. If simultaneity does not change physically there is no possible length contraction of. But an object which accelerates has no influence on outer space, it therefore cannot change the simultaneity of outer space, it can only change its own simultaneity, that is to say it physically transforms itself because the speed of light changes relative to him and he has to adapt. So the outer space has not changed in simultaneity so there is a simultaneity of the outer space and it is a privileged frame of reference. No, so there is no spacetime in the Minkowski sense. But there is quaternionic spacetime where time is the scalar dimension of space as Hamilton thought when creating quaternions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algebra_of_physical_space Einstein's interpretation is based on a literal interpretation of the equations and on the physical existence of Minkowski space-time or block universe. But time is not a vector dimension.
  15. At least we understand that it is a topic of human interest? WHO: https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148696
  16. ! Moderator Note Material for discussion must be posted. Links and attachments are for support material only. You were asked to read the rules in a previous thread. Please do so, and follow them. If “Collaborative Partner: AI Sensei” means you used AI to help write it, we’re not interested.
  17. Speed of light is invariant. It does not decrease for an object in motion. Time dilation is a relative effect for inertial frames.
  18. You are confusing time dilation and simultaneity. The change in simultaneity is the origin of length contraction and is a perspective effect. Time dilation is an absolute effect and comes from the decrease in the average speed of light relative to an objet in motion.
  19. Hello, world. I’m eager to share the motivations behind my work with you all. As Michio Kaku points out, we are a level 0 civilization—it’s time for us to advance. I deeply appreciate the monumental efforts and contributions of our scientific pioneers and current researchers. Yet, considering it has been over three centuries since Newton and a century since Einstein, we must ask ourselves: What’s next? Let’s unite our strengths, incorporating AI and interdisciplinary collaboration to transcend traditional boundaries. It’s time to set aside personal biases and collectively push the frontiers of science. Together, we can explore the cosmos and develop new energy sources—not just for us, but for future generations. Sora Tōgo Cosmic Alchemy.pdf
  20. Not in it for the winning, but for understanding. As for learning, I have done a lot of this with our exchanges. Also, with what I have posted so far in Science Forums, i believe that there is ground for reasonable doubt on the current-conventional theory of mind. Sent my application to SpaceX; never got a response 😊
  21. Both velocity and accelerations are boosts in the the Lorentz transforms. Rapidity is just a particular type of boost. I know you and I had tried discussing this in the past. Later on when I'm not at work I will try to get you far better detail on the difference of a boost due to velocity as opposed to acceleration. Part of the confusion is that both velocity and accelerations are also described by rapidity. However the transforms for each slightly different .
  22. He also tried to pawn his mugshot suit, in little squares; it took a lot of shop visits to fence that swag... I wonder if/when people will get the possibility that his business model isn't sustainable/much good...
  23. I doubt using a laser from Earth regardless of how powerful would be of much use. Ideally you would want to use the laser on a side perdendicular to its trajectory. If you fire from Earth you would thr asteroid head on and outgassing wouldn't be as useful.
  24. Not for light, whose speed is invariant That’s not evidence. c is invariant The Doppler effect, which is what I was commenting on, does not rely on acceleration, it depends on velocity, and it is symmetric. The measured frequency changes; that’s physical. No, if the space twin sends a signal to the earth twin, it will be Doppler-shifted. That shift will change when the velocity changes, because the Doppler shift depends on velocity. It will take time for the signal with the new frequency to arrive, but that will be before the end of the trip. What waves do you have, other than the light? “on the way” The signal being sent was already on the way. I don’t think you are representing Einstein’s interpretation faithfully, and in any event it doesn’t matter. The equations tell us what happens, and that’s what’s important. You didn’t say simultaneity jump, you said “jump into the future” Future and past are not part of the discussion Relativity says clocks run slow because time is affected, and lengths contract. Time dilation is not a mechanical effect and objects do not actually compress. Since there is no preferred frame, you can’t say that one observation is the “truth” so any inertial observer can say what they observe is reality. Even within a given frame, you have to account for the time delay from a finite speed of light. You see a signal from a distant clock, but you have to account for the fact that it took a time of L/c to get to you. That still applies in multiple frames. Can you hand me a chunk of space-time?
  25. It would really help if one understands a physics theory correctly before you try to interpret a theory. It's rather pointless otherwise. Anyone that understands relativity by knowing what the mathematics of the theory states. Simultaneaty is of little use in this case as it's coordinate dependent. This is due to time not being constant. For example an observer looks at his watch. However that's simply his coordinate time. The other observer does the same for coordinate time. Due to time dilation regardless of whether it's due to gravity or inertia his clock will appear to run normal. However once you compare clocks then the difference is noticed. The two clocks are no longer simultaneous welcome to relativity and it's time dilation
  26. ! Moderator Note Moved to the trash. Codebreaker, this is way too much anger and way too preachy. Please review the rules you agreed to follow when you joined
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