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  2. This is a misconception which is as common as it false. SR is a model of Minkowski spacetime - it describes the relationship between any set of frames within this paradigm, irrespective of what their states of relative motion and acceleration are. In the special case of inertial motion, this relationship is simply a hyperbolic rotation in spacetime (=Lorentz transformation); if acceleration is involved, the relationship is a little more complicated, but nonetheless well defined: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acceleration_(special_relativity) There’s no “paradox” in the twins scenario that somehow needs resolution, it’s simply a straightforward consequence of the geometry of Minkowski spacetime, which has to do with the lengths of world-lines.
  3. Today
  4. This abusive approach does not seem likely to make a person “repent and turn to Christ”. Surely it is more likely to confirm them in their low opinion of religions and religious people generally, isn’t it? From a stylistic point of view, some paragraphs would help, too😉
  5. Do you have scientific evidence you don't believe in God? Also why are you being a dumb a.? If you choose not to believe females have a right not to be raped because "i don't believe in absolute morals" that doesn't mean "well I don't believe in absolute morals therefore I can't hate that females have a right not to be raped". May I rabidly insult your demonic psychopath self now? Say you have a dad you hate and put him out of your mind, and someone says, "you hate your dad" and you reply in childishness: "how can I hate him I don't think of him!" And if you love someone, you think of them. Are Satan's blinders coming off yet? Seeing your immaturity now? It's really bad man, it's stinking childishness. "But God how could I hate you I only said you didn't exist despite endless evidence, I didn't believe in you that is why I hated on your messengers and rejected Jesus' Golden Rule which I chose to reject and not lying, stealing and murdering." Good luck with that on Judgment Day, your "but God I chose not to believe and stay ignorant and stubborn". Try it, see if your rotting flesh isn't shredded with flails. Bless you.
  6. Obviously, you do not know what formal logic is. It is a mathematical description of how 'truth can be conserved', and on the other side to recognise where chains of argumentations are invalid. Proposition logic and predicate logic are just as established as 1 + 1 = 2. But when you start with propositions of which the truth is debatable, which is more often than not (as in science, philosophy and daily life as examples), the usefulness of formal logic is (very) limited. Everybody with at least a modicum of knowledge of what logic is, would immediately agree. The point is that many crackpots call 'logic', is in fact nothing more than intuitions put in words. Without any knowledge about (established) science (and logic), their minds are free to create ideas out of thin air, and think they have some revolutionary and correct ideas.
  7. Not only that, The Donald now wants 5% of any funds raised by candidates using his name or likeness... https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-republican-campaigns-fundraising-name-face-5-percent-2024-4?op=1
  8. This is your science you hypocrite? "As soon as you abandon scientific rigor, you’re no longer a mathematician. You’re a numerologist." Meaning what genius? Do you know what science is? Look it up, it isn't "my huffing and puffing and telling someone they aren't being scientific and my personal feelings." Your reply isn't scientific, and you show massive ignorance and superstitious stupidity by saying "numerology" as if means "opposite of math". It means study of numbers you numbskull ignoramus. Duh can't you see the word components you giant moron? Science isn't merely "math" and science has nothing to do with your rigor mortis brain, there is no "science is rigorous" in any dictionary you pretentious oaf. Science is not just basic addition and subtraction that you half learned in your woke rainbow school in downtown Chicago it is also theology, gematria, linguistics, textual criticism (as in the study of ancient texts), cryptology, psychology, statistics none of which any of you seem to be adept in, unlike me, with the exception of statistics, but I do use statistical analysis. It's also archeology, which no doubt you are all repelled by who hate the Bible being that you hate your Creator. Something the load of you babblers don't know due your complacency and hate for God is that the Bible is filled with math codes, that besides symbology, metaphors, riddles, musical annotations, acrostics, prophecies everywhere, codes all over the text, and even encrypted codes. Unlike most of you empty babblers babbling in ignorance I know this as I bothered to study the research, it's all over the net including YouTube, besides that I have code scanning software and have been using it for years. Another thing most of you don't seem to remember is to apply scientific analysis to the supernatural not simply material. For exanple if God hates everyone as Psalm 5:5 says, due to their arrogance and hatred for him, well then as Jesus said count on being confused and blinded, deluded with Satan's hell, God's weapon against mockers, scoffers and arrogant hatemongers. And you love God and are humble and asked him for extreme wisdom (for HIS GLORY not yours) repeatedly, it is reasonable he would comply. So then don't expect to know anything but what is shallow with regards to God's word. Why would he share his secrets with those he sees as imbecilic mocking goblins and next to no morals, morals are required for correct science, did you forget? Yep. Stop with narcissistic gaslighting and feelings babble. You are like the Pharisees Jesus said he was thankful God his his secrets from. Repent and turn to Christ before the Antichrist subdues you and gets your spiritually dead selves to take his mark. Do you know what his name is? I do, your harbinger of doom: he will strike your heel, but you will strike his head God said of his chosen. And when Antichrist comes back to life will you then believe in the supernatural? Will you believe if dead man comes back as a spirit to tell you there is life after death? How many videos of people using ouija boards or going into haunted houses or spots or talking to demons they think are dead people using stupid electronic contraptions do you need to see? You have no brain to "scientifically analyze" what you see and hear, you are that blind and stubborn? So if a rock out of no where hits your eye in a haunted house is it science to think, "oh rocks just fly all the time, oh it must have been a midget hiding in the dark or bats that throw rocks or my friend conspired to blind me". That's your science, conspiracies everywhere. Narcissists are paranoid, big surprise.
  9. No, it is a zoonotic disease as in there have been limited incidences in the spread from animal to human. That part is correct. But it is currently an animal pandemic as opposed to a human pandemic.
  10. I am sorry to report a brief period of backsliding. A canister of honey coated almonds. Our eyes met across a crowded room, at the home of Sam and Janet Evening, and I felt a sick rush of almond lust that I had assumed was long ago consigned to my distant youth. I stumbled across the room, my mouth filled with saliva, and began to pack my cheeks like a squirrel at the peak of acorn season. Fermentable oligosaccharides! I moaned. Not the easiest phrase to moan with a full and avidly chewing mouth. California aquifers be damned! (also a challenging word string to enunciate while masticating) A beautiful woman who bore an eerie resemblance to the Santitas Corn Chip lady walked past, and I took advantage of the distraction, the substitution of one sensual delight for another, handed her the canister and said please keep these away from me! Pobrecita! she said, with a silken yet husky voice only a corn chip lady could possibly manage. Later I walked home, my feet pounding the hard macadam, back to the macadamia nuts to whom I had pledged my life and my sacred honor. One of the hardest journeys of my life.
  11. I would quibble slightly with this, in that there is also the matter of surviving long enough to actually reproduce, although I think high reproduction rates definitely are a major positive contributor to a species survival in most cases.
  12. I tried to edit the previous comment, but it didn't work. I think that with this data you will be able to verify the matter: 1. https://mynutritionscience.com/exerciseweightloss/ (26% extra adjusted to the proportion of body mass discarding fat-free mass.) 2. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0040503 (The study in question. Find fat percentages in graphs (table) What I found is that the difference could be explained by the greater proportion of muscle mass of the Hadza, although there is the possibility that there is an extra expenditure for exercise of approximately 8% of the total calories burned in 24 hours. https://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article folder/metabolismcontroversy.html (I used this information for the rough estimate) It seems to me that there is a lack of data to reach a more concrete conclusion. But, the evidence seems to point more to the version of Pontzer's studies. Regarding exercise, I have maintained that it helps you lose weight, but not necessarily because it burns more calories. But because long-term cardiovascular exercise, like that of the Hadza, induces catabolic processes and net burning of calories through oxidation of adipose tissue.
  13. “From 1960 to 2015, there were 35 major bridge collapses worldwide due to ship or barge collision, with a total of 342 people killed” https://apnews.com/article/bridge-collapses-barges-list-1f2d6261d523ddc625aaaf3b32c626bc#
  14. Agreed and that's precisely my position. If we agree that evidence of mind is inferred by behaviors that suggest a thought process, then those thoughtful behaviors should be the antithesis of instinctive behaviors. Indeed, evidence of mind could be suggested by other behaviors but, in view, no behavior consistently provides the clearest evidence of mind as those that are clearly contrary to reflexive, preprogrammed behaviors. Indeed, they very definition of thoughtful behaviors could be those not "bound by instinctual constraint." As I've observed in assessing the likely evolutional path of sensory acquisition in the human brain, much of its early sensory developments appear to have been devoted to various forms of tactile perception (touch, taste, sound, etc). In ancestral animals, tactile perception likely necessitated and promoted reactive, reflexive behaviors because of the very real and immediate survival impact or threat associated with physical contact. When these animal sensory perception diversified into visual sensory, they evolved a means to assess the survival impact of their environment and experiences without the level of threat to their physical well-being posed by just tactile perception alone. The enhancement visual sensory acquisition gave ancestral animals likely allowed them to better mediate their instinctive survival responses, which infers the primal emergence of mind-the emergence of behavioral expressions not bound by instinctual constraints.
  15. Yesterday
  16. It seems to me that there is an error. Zoonosis refers to transmission between species, it seems to me. Although it is not yet so dangerous for humans, it can affect food production by infected animals, both birds and mammals. However, in the news that I published, the concern presented by the WHO representative is because it could become a direct danger to humans.
  17. Sorry, I must be more careful next time. Now maybe I'll go to sleep, so I would put the data that I consider relevant, God willing, or maybe a copypaste.
  18. I think you missed a critical word in the statement. They said it was an animal pandemic, as in it is a pandemic among animals (specifically birds). It is not a human pandemic as human-to-human transmissions have not been documented yet, I believe. There are quite a few diseases circulating among e.g. migrating animals that are spreading, but most are not yet relevant to humans.
  19. You know it's funny to declare GR cannot solve the twin paradox when it's in nearly every textbook on GR. Acceleration is easily handled in both SR and GR. It's simply a type of boost called rapidity. You can alternately use instantaneous velocities. So really it's a poor defense for a theory Long shown inaccurate specifically the Lorentz ether theory. Particularly since it ties into Lorentz invariance which current tests is something of order of 1 part in 10^(18) for any deviation on the constancy of c. That is rather conclusive for any potential of any ether based theory being viable. Yes I've read lots of attempts to salvage LET over the years including professional written articles and examinations none of have ever born out though. I even have copies of those various models. Though it would take time to search for them.
  20. That comment makes no sense but so far without seeing your math. Nothing you have stated makes much sense. The CMB is literally everywhere in our observable universe you can even hear it's static on older radios that don't filter it out. It may surprise you to know that expansion has little to do with gravity but rather it's due to thermodynamics via the equations of state for each particle species. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equation_of_state_(cosmology) If you take a uniform mass distribution and apply Newtons Shell theorem gravity is zero.
  21. Where weight gain is a chronic issue, it seems to work better to take the draconian step of just eliminating sweets. That seems to go better than repeatedly venturing out on the slippery terrain of moderate sugar intake. There are lots of delightful flavors in this world that are not sweet. Savor them. JMO.
  22. Hence why I stopped adding to the mix. Once I saw you were progressing from their comments I didn't want to add any potential confusion. Threads can get too easily derailed.
  23. There were very helpful comments today.
  24. No you get a daily allotment
  25. Thank you. Anyway, I hope there's nothing stopping me being able to do it tomorrow.
  26. ! Moderator Note Please review the rules you agreed to follow when you joined. Posting to link to your own blog is expressly forbidden. Material for discussion must be posted here (rule 2.7)
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