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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Electrical Engineering

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. The behavior looks totally psychological. Focal thinning of the posterior corpus callosum occurs due to early brain injury. Check this article on Corpus Callosam: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/allinthemind/the-mysterious-corpus-callosum/7416876 As Koti suggested you should consult a qualified med for more information and prec. Use internet for general information, but for physical health issues always contact dr.
  2. What is the operating limit for which electronic devices work properly? In the US we see it is 60 Hz and in other parts of the world it is 50 Hz, so what are the upper and lower limits for which a device can operate properly?
  3. It is an equation. You just need to manipulate the values and you can get your answer.
  4. The resistance of any wire depends on the collisional processes occurring within the wire. An increase in temperature causes an increase in collisions (experimental proved), means collisions and temperature are directly related and thus the resistance. The equation below provides a relationship between resistance and temperature. so that was hope you got an idea on this.
  5. In Formula cars, there are two major factors downforce and drag. Downforce is good while drag is a byproduct created due to downforce. It is correct that downforce depends on the weight of the car, but we can't increase the downforce beyond certain limit coz the drag will increase by the same rate which will badly damage the working of the machine.
  6. From your case, it is obvious that adding plant has changed the pH of the solution and overall pH is now 6. The pH of most plants ranges between 6-7 means slightly acidic in nature. Meanwhile, the basic formula for calculating pH is: Don't know what exactly will be implemented in your case.
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