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One mind according to quantum field theory


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Does this claim have a scientific background? What do u think?




In the past some philosophers (wrongly) thought of the mind as acting like clockwork (because that was the technology of the time). Then some started to draw analogies with computers. And now some try and talk in terms of quantum physics. It has nothing to do with science.

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I usually find popular science stops short of making assertive claims, preferring to speculate without a firm basis about imaginative possibilities that many find intriguing enough that profit is generated for the work. It's more wishful thinking than science in many cases, but it sells.

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Is there anyone who believe in the claim that there is one single mind and ours are projections from it?


When anyone can believe a claim, isn't it more important to look for reality-based evidence to support or refute the claim?

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When anyone can believe a claim, isn't it more important to look for reality-based evidence to support or refute the claim?


The strong version of that claim would necessarily preclude any empiricism - there are no glitches in the matrix. The fact that the worldstate described by the claim is utterly indistinguishable from our own tends to make me think it isn't worth worrying about.


A weaker version - in which we can occasionally glimpse behind the curtain and see the matrix is more interesting but would need a decent piece of experiemental evidence before it was worth investing time in

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Here is an idea.. Our brains are unique but like colors they are in the same category(the Mind). Can this be an explanation for this claim?

Sounds trivial - my brain is a brain.

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