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research presentation 2: 9 February 2016


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I enjoy to read scientific journals, summarize them and then include my ideas on it, with the results put into a powerpoint presentation for your reading and thoughts. The second one is included below. Hopefully if people in this forum are interested then I can do some more and post them as well.


Research Presentation 2 - 2016feb9.pptx


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1. K-Nearest Neighbour Classification Algorithm

2. Presence Information and issues regarding network traffic overload

3. Accessibility in computer games, with a focus on the blind


and finally, "My Ideas" on the above

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Please outline the content of your slides here. I have removed the link that you posted. Members should be able to reply to the content of your discussion without having to open external documents or links. These should really only be present to support the body of your post.

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Here is the content of the slides. In future, I will post like this (with the text in the message) instead of a powerpoint presentation.


1. K-Nearest Neighbour Classification Algorithm




2. Presence Information and issues regarding network traffic overload

- Presence Information is used in chat programs, for example whether you are online or not, and personal details such as your GPS location, mood, activities
- https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj933257.aspx(Microsoft Lync Server) now replaced by Skype for Business https://products.office.com/en-us/skype-for-business/online-meetings
- “13. JRPIT46.1.3.pdf” Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol. 46, No. 1, February 2014, Publications in Presence Service Overview and Optimization Techniques, Victoria Beltran and Josep Paradells
- Includes mobile devices (mobiles, tablets), as well as laptops

- Subscriber able to set rate of notifications, not just notifier
- SIMPLE model for presence information (you can google this)
- Minimum & maximum number of notifications for example one per second
- Other intermediate servers (Resource List Servers) updated with your presence information so main server (Presence Server) doesn't need to take the whole load of serving out presence information
- Event filters such as speed, entering or exiting a region, types of location (Mahy et al 2012)

- Pause and un-pause publication of presence attributes
- Poll presence attributes when publications are paused
- Trigger instantaneous publication of presence attributes
- A person's states such as online, busy, idle
- If presence attributes change more frequently, a presence server could request them more often from the client

- During working hours, location could be requested less often since the person tends to stay in their office
- Send only the presence information that has changed, not all of it
- Different laptops could have different rates of updating their location presence information, for example a laptop with sensitive information may need to have its location tracked more often such as every hour
- Throttling (reducing) location update information if there is a lot of network traffic

- Pause publication of some parts of the presence information but not others, for example pause GPS (Global Positioning System) location publication but un-pause your "mood"
- During working hours, presence information about co-workers might be more important than presence information about friends, so particular groups could have different update & retrieval rates for the information
- Push model: when your presence information changes, it is pushed to the server, where it is transferred to the watchers. Pull model is more suitable when traffic optimization is needed, whereby the watcher requests presence information from the person whose presence information is requested, only when they want to view it.

3. Accessibility in computer games, with a focus on the blind

- Evaluation of Three Accessible Interfaces for Educational Point-and-Click Computer Games. Javier Torrente, Eugenio J. Marchiori, Pablo Moreno-Ger and Baltasar Fernández-Manjón, José Ángel Vallejo-Pinto, Manuel Ortega-Mora. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol. 45, No. 3/4, August 2013, “14. JRPIT45.3-4.267.pdf”
- There is a demand for computer games that can be used by people with disabilities. For example blind, or no hearing. There is not much by way of standards in this area yet.

- Some possibilities include: keyboard navigation without mouse, sonar with mouse (good for regular gamers), conversational interface that interprets short commands in natural language (good for occasional gamers)
- Game Accessibility Guidelines 2012
- AudioGames.net, International Game Developers Association special interest group on accessibility
- Substitute all visual stimuli by auditory feedback. "Earcons", sounds that alert the user to an object or event.

- 3D sound systems
- 3D Haptic feedback (something you can touch) via PHANToM device
- Time limits to do something, can make the game too difficult
- Point and click adventure games often suitable to adapt.
- Challenges throughout the game. Observation and exploration, puzzles to solve. Narrative and story.
- Implementation of accessibility features into eAdventure game authoring tool (used for creating 2d educational point-and-click adventures)

- Game scenario changes, or interaction with objects or characters, triggers an audio message
- Minimum number of keystrokes. Arrow keys to select between elements, enter for action, escape to go back)
- Sonar System: Each interactive element emits a different sound, using 3d positional audio system, position of element relative to mouse causes different intensity (how close) and pitch (higher if nearby vertically, lower if further away vertically).

- Natural Language interface: special commands: Actions (list all possible actions), describe scene (lists settings and elements on the screen), help (hints and interaction instructions)
- Problems: descriptive sounds overlapping if browsing from one element to next too quickly. Too slow to navigate through elements. Too simple an interface for frequent gamers. If too many interactive elements (e.g. 4) in room then too hard to find them using sonar interface. Too difficult to remember all the spoken commands.

4. My Ideas

1. K-Nearest Neighbour Classification Algorithm: What if we find the average coordinate of the blue objects, and the average coordinate of the red objects, and then see whether the distance to the unidentified object is closest to the red or blue average coordinate

2. Presence Information and issues regarding network traffic overload: What about a combination of pull and push methods, when the mobile location changes it pushes the new location to the server, when someone requests your location it pulls (sends a request from server to your mobile) the location

3. Accessibility in computer games, with a focus on the blind: How about touchscreens on a tablet, the four corners and the middle of the tablet screen could be used as button triggers when your finger remains on it for more than 3 seconds, and patterns (particular shapes traced anywhere on the tablet screen) could also trigger certain things. The feedback could be auditory such as descriptions about what is happening in the game and whenever you do something such as a pattern or button then it first says what you have done first so you can confirm it with the confirm button (perhaps by pressing the bottom right of the screen for 3 seconds). Would a confirmation to every input pattern (shape traced on the screen) slow the game down too much?

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K-Nearest Neighbour Classification Algorithm: What if we find the average coordinate of the blue objects, and the average coordinate of the red objects, and then see whether the distance to the unidentified object is closest to the red or blue average coordinate


It isn't as simple as all that though. What if the distance from a to b is shortest but your path goes through the sun?? You obviously can't use euclidean distance to calculate the distance all the time. It is funny because I was watching an anime called world trigger recently and in that anime they were working out who their nearest neighbor was (aka which planets were near enough to attack them)

Edited by fiveworlds
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Research Presentation 3 - 2016feb18

1. Web-based Audience Response System Using the Educational Platform Called BeA

"15. JRPIT45.3-4.251.pdf"
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol. 45, No. 3/4, August 2013
Copyright© 2013, Australian Computer Society Inc. General permission to republish, but not for profit, all or part of this material is granted, provided that the JRPIT copyright notice is given and that reference is made to the publication, to its date of issue, and to the fact that reprinting privileges were granted by permission of the Australian Computer Society Inc.



- Audience response system
- Dedicated remote control device vs generally available web technology (we look at latter)
- Want more question types. For example short text entry, drawings as a response. Choice interaction: multiple choices pick one. Match interaction: respond with option pairs. Associate interaction: create an option group of two or more options. Order interaction: order the options. Gap-match interaction: fill in the gaps. Extended text interaction: write anything you like. Hot text interaction: select one or more of selectable pieces of text in question heading
- When only the teacher can see the students answer, the student ismore likely to respond since they don't have to worry about what their peers might think if they could hear their answer
- Access using smartphones, tablet PCs, laptops, or desktops (such as a computer lab)
- Voting & surveys
- Students to answer questions, opinions, attitudes, tests, quizzes, assessment
- Could display possible answers
- Register/authenticate your laptop first. Then, cannot share devices. We don't want people outside the classroom to access it.
- What if the student forgets to bring their laptop, or it malfunctions. Difficulties typing the URL (solution: QR code students can scan containing the URL)
- Mobiles with SMS, smartphones/tablets/computers with apps (android or iOS), or web
- proprietary applications: Clicker School (2012), Turning Technologies (2012) and Socrative (2012). SMS: Poll Everywhere (2012), Top Hat Monocle (2012), Shakespeak (2012) and SMSpoll (2012). Web: Big Nerd Ranch, Clicker School, Maya, Poll Everywhere, SMSPoll, Shakespeak, Socrative, Top Hat Monacle, Turning Technologies, Web clicker
- Some display a powerpoint document with flash or visual basic application embedded
- Time limit?
- Pi2E: elearning over iGoogle (closed in 2013): OpenSocial gadgets. Edu-GAR gadget.
- ARS in BeA
- Questions are displayed on a projection on the wall as well as in the students devices

2. Discussion about the research paper

- Some more information on question types http://www.socialresearchmethods.net/kb/questype.php
For example a filter/contingency type, gives a question asking for more detail dependent
on your first answer
- Google: "survey question types" (without the quotes) yields many resources
For example http://www.questionpro.com/a/showArticle.do?articleID=survey-questions
An example from there is, semantic differential scale, where something is ranked between
two bipolar levels such as from attractive (7) to unattractive (1)
- Future Possible Research: Could gather many question types and see how many can be
found and what they all are

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Research Presentation 4 - 2016feb23

1. Setting up and Tutoring the Working Groups of a Virtual Learning Community
David Vernet, Xavi Canaleta, Joan Navarro and Agustin Zaballos
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol. 45, No. 3/4, August 2013
Copyright© 2013, Australian Computer Society Inc. General permission to republish, but not for profit, all or part of this material is granted, provided that the JRPIT copyright notice is given and that reference is made to the publication, to its date of issue, and to the fact that reprinting privileges were granted by permission of the Australian Computer Society Inc.
"16. JRPIT45.3-4.219.pdf"


- Regarding learning theory, two major thinking trends in pedagogy are, instructivism and constructivism. Instructivism: Teacher-centred model; learning objectives, strategies, student learning goals, methodologies, pace are decided by teacher, and not based on individual student specifics - knowledge exists independently from the student. Constructivist: Teacher is a facilitator, each student's personal abilities are developed.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_learning_environment
Prominent open source VLEs are used by schools, businesses, and training organizations and include: Moodle, eFront, OLAT, Sakai, ILIAS, ATutor, Fedena, openelms, Claroline, and Dokeos.[16] Several also now have paid "Pro" accounts with even more available features.
Commercial VLEs include such favorite as Blackboard, Lotus Workplace, COSE, and WebCT.
- Collaborative learning environments
- Learning Management Systems (LMS)
- Data repositories: Portfolio systems (Mahara), Version Control Systems
- Intelligent tutoring systems: Student module (contains student's grades, charateristics, competencies, aptitudes); Pedagogical module (develops alternatives to compensate for deficiencies observed in a student, using artificial intelligence); Communication module (interface to connect student and teacher); Domain knowledge module (resources and information regarding subject/course ie syllabus, assignments, exercises, schemas, diagrams, exams); Expert module (processes answers submitted by a student to verify if correct or wrong). Drawback: does not involve interaction between students.
- Discussion space. Working groups. Teacher feedback.
- Case Based Reasoning (artificial intelligence system) to compare student profiles. Compares a new problem with ones solved in the past, to decide how to solve it.
- Metric to compute distance between two students: social profile (personal interests, knowledge, profile within society), academic profile (grades, competencies), learning profile (soloman questionnaire, felder-silverman learning style model - FSLSM)
- Learning profile: reflective vs active (more involved in the class) student, inductive or deductive reasoning used to reach a goal, visual vs verbal method of presenting information preferred, sensorial vs intuitive method of perceiving information (through senses or reasoning), sequential vs global (logical progression of small incremental steps, or comprehensive understanding with a holistic view)
- Should a student have different students to work with?
- What if a student is a bystander and lets the other students do all the group work?
- The key aspects for managing a virtual learning community are: Student monitoring, classroom tracking, feedback for teaching staff, detection of faults in group performance


- What different types of online fully automated assessment methods are there? Do these work better with instructivism or constructivism or either?
- What different methods are there for presenting knowledge and for learning online?
- What are some examples of websites where people can do various types of things in an interactive way? For example discussion forums on various topics, whiteboards where people can collaborate on making a drawing together, keyword repository webpages on various topics where you can brainstorm together and contribute your keywords to the group thought- a new keyword could be added to an existing keyword group or to start a new group of keywords, collaborations involving acting, music, writing, photography, science, video production, etc.
What are some of the methods of interaction? What new method for interaction online might there be that could be implemented?

2. Understanding Major Depression in a Digital Environment
Pablo Ruisoto Palomera, Juan A. Juanes Méndez, María A. Velasco Marcos, Israel Contador Castillo, Alberto Prats Galino
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol. 45, No. 3/4, August 2013
Copyright© 2013, Australian Computer Society Inc. General permission to republish, but not for profit, all or part of this material is granted, provided that the JRPIT copyright notice is given and that reference is made to the publication, to its date of issue, and to the fact that reprinting privileges were granted by permission of the Australian Computer Society Inc
"18. JRPIT45.3-4.193.pdf"


- Data from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT) scans of a number of people were combined into a visual and interactive ICT application for windows that allowed 3D viewing and facilitated the study of the neuro-biological basis of depression and other related mental disorders.


- What other data types of information can be incorporated together, for example, ultrasonic, audio waves of some frequency, infrared? (for just below the surface), light waves of some frequency, measuring the skin resistance (ie talking about ohms) profile across the body, measuring electrical profile across the body (eg between two points on the skin anywhere in the body there is a very small electrical potential difference, can we plot the entire body's resistence/ohms and voltage levels and what kind of problems could this be a predictor of?). For example we could while naked put on a full body garment which measures these things automatically, now that we have the technology for electronics sensing embedded into garments.

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Research Presentation 5 - 2016mar7


1. M-Learning Projects Sustainability: Guidelines to Address It
"19. JRPIT45.3-4.175.pdf"
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol. 45, No. 3/4, August 2013
María José Casany, Marc Alier, Enric Mayol and Miquel Barceló
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, Barcelona, Spain
Email: {mjcasany, ludo, mayol, blo}@essi.upc.edu


- Mobiles are the most common form of Information Technology device in developing countries, moreso than desktop PC.
- In places without electricity, mobiles are recharged at street kiosks containing car batteries
- Mobiles are available cheaply secondhand
- Environmental junk of no longer working mobiles is a problem
- Developing countries have a high demand for information related to health, agriculture and education
- Developing countries don't use much mobile internet, but do use SMS applications
- "m-learning" is the use of mobiles phones for learning
- SMS used in primary education to deliver study guide material, content such as hints/tips/summaries, reminders or urgent messages about errata or cancellations. Sending of lists of questions & answers via SMS with attached word files (how?).
- South Africa, Kenya, Egypt
- One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) initiative. Resistance to adverse weather continuous. Large quantities required to be ordered, to be able to offer a lower price.
- MobiED project: audio wikipedia, send query to server by sms and receive a phone call with the answer spoken to you using computer speech
- mobiles used in field activity of students to take photos or interviews of residents in a damaged environmental area in taiwan
- research into why people would drive instead of taking public transport
- millenium goal of worldwide primary education for all
- illiteracy problems among the poor in south america
- web 2.0: user generated content; collaboration and sharing of information: FOSS (what does this stand for? free and open source software?). Participation and collaboration are important
- learning management systems (LMS) are not used much in developing countries
- sustainability of m-learning projects is important (ie, that it continues to run); achieve by encourage motivation and participation, training, collaboration with external participants, use of a Learning Management System (LMS) that is accessed via mobile, use FOSS software, software that is adapted to the local language and socio-culture, financially viable projects, local ownership of the mobiles (not hired)
- there is a relationship between education and development
- Moodbile open source m-learning project (moodbile.org): a learning management system that uses mobile phones. Too expensive to make a custom software. Modified an existing LMS with open source code, to provide information to mobiles. Facilities available: List courses enrolled by user and users, user's pending tasks, quiz, forum, grades, calendar, resources, messages, events. Three moodbile clients: HTML (browser), android app, iOS app. Moodle extension for Moodbile- since moodle is on its own not able to handle the small screen of a mobile.


- Could tablets be used in the developing world, since they are cheaper than laptops, but have a bigger screen than a mobile
- What programming systems exist that work across all mobile phones, such as jQueryMobile, HTML/javascript/CSS, etc, so that it is okay if different people have different phones? Are there standards specifically targeted at mobile internet browsers and the kinds of issues they have. Do all mobiles have access to a free viewer application for word documents and PDFs?
- Is there a service available where you can request any webpage URL by sending an SMS, and then receive the contents of that page by an automated computer voice phone call?
- An accessibility guideline/ standard/ feature could be whereby a webpage could have all of its interaction done via SMS commands to control access to all parts and features of the site if a person chooses to do that? For example, you could receive an SMS or audio call containing the main choices, and then send an SMS to provide your input such as choosing a selection. There could be two sms phone numbers, for different parts of the website, and the same sms commands could have different results depending on the phone number it is sent to. SMS menus with a numbered option to choose and send, to continue.
- Ability to search the internet and return results of websites only that can handle mobile screen sizes (for example responsive sites, or jQueryMobile sites, or if there is a separate subdomain for mobiles), to avoid the need for clicking on lots of results that might not be viewable in a mobile browser such as flash sites
- Ability for mobiles to display flash content in its browser?

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1. ArcaBoard Hoverboard Really Does Hover (over any surface)





Perhaps have pressure sensors to detect weight of persons feet on hoverboard. Two modes (perhaps selectable by a watch you can wear). One mode, "optimize balance" and "maintain current speed and direction" - if your weight is even on both feet, then no change, if the back foot weight is greater, then it is going too fast and needs to slow down a bit in order for you to maintain balance, so it acts to move as such in order to "keep you balanced". The second mode, "targeted movement", would be where it starts to accelerate slowly in the forward direction and to change toward the left or right (moving its front pointing direction) if you want to go left or right (when you shift your weight to the left, right, front, back indicating that kind of change). I wonder whether it's possible to combine the two modes into one mode? The equations for controlling quadcopters might apply except there are many rotors so it's more complex. Can it detect whether it is moving over concrete, grass, water, etc by the forces applied to act towards slowing each of the rotors as they try to spin?

2. More Ideas

- A device like a tablet or mobile with touch screen / GPS location detection / tilt orientation detection (accelerometer) but no CPU, plugs into desktop PC via usb (powered by USB), to enable you to play tablet or mobile games using tablet/mobile features such as orientation/tilt for a car driving game for example, or the phone's microphone or speaker, but using the PC as the computational power.
- For an image, average the colour value of the point and all points around it. Put all points into a vector. Then take correlation of one vector and another vector from another image, to see if the images are similar.
- Could have a software that spins art images (just like we have software that spins an article replacing it with synonyms for search engine optimization purposes when it's posted multiple times on different websites). Blobs of same colour (e.g. tree leaves) could be moved together, and its contents change slightly. Does it require object recognition (to move each object slightly)? Copy paste all green slightly shifted and similar for other colours. Adjust colours to slightly different nearby colour value for each pixel, as a way of tricking md5 image identification software. Way around in forensics could be fourier transform signature rounded, transformed by colour as frequency not intensity. Or just average of correlations for each pixel from the two images?
- I am using essentialPIM for my email. If I insert an image it has an option for the spacing (horizontal & vertical) around the image. However it has no option for the image display size (horizontal & vertical) and it would be fairly straightforward for the developers to implement such a feature (just using "width=50;height=100;" or whatever or something similar in the HTML of the img tag. If you can edit the html of the email you may be able to do this yourself, however, it would be a good feature for email programs to have a width and height box for entering the image options. You might like to suggest this feature to microsoft (for outlook), thunderbird, and essentialPIM or any other email programs since it is a great idea you had to have an option for image size when you insert an image in an email. If you want me to suggest it to them you can let me know. It would not have to change the actual file size or resolution of the image - just the displayed size - unless perhaps you could have a box to tick to crop the image to its display size (like frontpage software used to have).
- Choose your own artwork. Tick checkboxes to turn on and off certain things that can be added to the image
- A new music format could include all of the separate tracks for each instrument, so the listener can pick what instruments they want to hear in the song, and even to customize which vocalist is used or which guitarist or which drummer etc.
- Sensor on power supply fan of computer, to check fan speed is okay. Sensors on all fans in computer for their speed
- Image software that enables you to apply an effect, those effects could exist in video editing programs as well
- Website to collaborate on making a video. Share video footage. Search for and import video footage previously submitted to the website by people, to combine into your video creation, and/or can use your own footage as well
- Store webhosting URLs in the png meta data of the image for the place it was downloaded from. More generally, any file downloaded with a browser, can have its webpage URL and file download URL stored in its meta data automatically by the browser.
- Software to make a pdf of any source code project in any programming language. At the moment I have seen software to make a latex or html file out of a source file, but not the entire source project automatically, and latex software is then required to make it into a pdf and then to use software to combine the pdfs into one pdf. It would be good for these steps to be combined automatically by some software.
- Portrait gallery of cats (someone would need to photograph many people's cats, or collect free images from the internet)
- Defragementing of point of sale devices
- Deserts on the blackboard specials
- Is a spiral the maximum number of edges in a space, or (concentric) squares inside each other?

Article Title: Thermally conductive polyamide 6/carbon filler composites based on a hybrid filler system

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
Volume 16, Number 6, December 2015
Sung Min Ha, O Hwan Kwon, Yu Gyeong Oh, Yong Seok Kim, Sung-Goo Lee, Jong Chan Won, Kwang Soo Cho, Byoung Gak Kim and Youngjae Yoo


- Polymer matrix composites (PMCs) are popular due to their corrosion resistance, durability, miniturization capabilities, weight reduction capabilities, and low fabrication cost
- For electronic devices, materials are required that transfer away all of the heat for example to a heat sink, so high thermal conductivity is required
- Polymers are filled with thermally conductive fillers (carbon, ceramic, metallic). Other such fillers are graphite, graphene, carbon nanotubes, boron nitride, aluminium nitride. Hybrid filler systems are also possible (combining more than one filler).
- What is being looked at here is incorporating of graphite nanoplatelets (GNP), & single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), as filler materials in PA 6 (polyamide 6), to investigate changes in the annealing behaviours (subject to heating and slow cooling to toughen and reduce brittleness) and thermal conductivity (measured using laser flash method). f-SWCNTs have carboxyl group treatment whereas SWCNTs are pristine SWCNTs.
- A micro-injection molding machine is used to combine the component materials at a pressure of 16 bar, barrel temperature 270C, mold temperature 80C (with injection molding, materials are heated and inserted into a mold at high pressure and after they cool the mold is removed to leave the created item)
- Thermal conductivity was found to increase with greater GNP or SWCNT content, but if there was f-SWCNT then at first it increased with 1 wt% f-SWCNT but with 5 wt% f-SWCNT it was lower than for 1 wt% f-SWCNT (but higher than for no f-SWCNT).

Some other links:
- How Does Injection Molding Work? http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rapidproto/students.03/mrau/project2/report/1.html
- http://www.essentialchemicalindustry.org/materials-and-applications/composites.html
- http://www.ikts.fraunhofer.de/en/research_fields/materials/oxide_and_polymer-ceramiccomponents/polymerceramiccomposites.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanocomposite


- How do these results and properties differ if the following main categories of PMCs are used:
carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites (CFRPs), glass fibre reinforced polymer composites
(GFRPs), aramid fibre reinforced polymer composites (AFRPs)? Which of these are suitable for use
in electronics heat conduction?
- How do organic polymers like polysiloxanes come into this picture, eg with ceramic fillers?
- What about nanocomposites?
- Are there any materials found in nature (eg from mining under the ground, or in plants or animals) that could be used as additional fillers?

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"8. Ideas - 2016mar22.txt"

1. Ideas

- a mobile with a wide angle lens for the back facing camera
- What would you rather have, a coal power plant producing toxic fumes, or a wind turbine making a bit of noise. Secondly, why do they have to put them within 300metres of a house?? That seems a bit close to me. Can't they put them further away?
Maybe, they can build a soundproof wall around the turbine.. the blades are high, so the wind still gets to them, but the sound can't travel low to the ground anymore, would it help? Some of the sound could be travelling through the ground, moreso than through the air?
- language translation software build into the chat program
- an idea for a new xml type for formatted documents especially useful in emails: three bytes per character, storing an index into a table of the character's font and foreground+background colour. the table (containing list of fonts and colours and the index bits to specify them) is stored at the front of the document in xml. Advantage: No more problems with html emails when replying, or fonts and font sizes getting mixed up or not working.

2. Summaries of some content found online

- Foldio360 by OrangeMonkie, is a turntable photography lightbox where you place an object which then rotates and a smartphone captures photographs from all angles, for the purpose of creating an online 3d rotatable view of the object.
- Silk Labs learns when to turn off/on lights, music, themostat with this customized to each person it senses that is in the room
- Sketchfab online 3d file sharing platform is partnering with TimeSlice films to add "4D" which are 3d movies captured using multiple video cameras
- Samsung has released wireless charging pads for mobiles, no need to plug in the mobile, just place it on the pad
- Robotic exoskeletons to help disabled people become more mobile
- Actroid-SIT, a humanoid actor robot with realistic skin. RoboThespian (good for science centres)
- New anti-aging methods: transfusions of young blood, epigenetic regulation, dna repacking, gene expression: restoring activity of inactive genes using crispr-cas9
- Smog free tower in rotterdam made by Roosegarde uses ion technology to filter the air and remove smog, at a rate of 30 cubic meters per hour
- New potential cure treatment for cancer using t-cell therapy
- System detects stress on wind turbine blades and makes adjustments to increase life of turbine
- Mopid to rapidly diagnose malaria by providing microscopic resolution on a cell phone
- Artificial enzyme talen (transcription activator-like effector nuclease) to cut dna at a certain location, followed by Qasim to add or subtract genetic material, results in cure for cancer in some situations
- An empty town at university of michigan called Mcity, used as a test location for driverless cars
- Baked leaves with sodium added, makes new type of battery anode that can store more charge

3. Discussions of content found online in (2) above

- Regarding the Foldio360, what if the mobile took a video instead of photos, then it would be continuous instead of discrete

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