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I say that physically nothing means a state which is a space(time) energy, matter and information free nothing.


I say that the mathematical expression of this state is 0.


I suggest that the beginning of our Universe is that state.


Everything presented in our common physical reality evolved in proportion to this state.


Ever since anything exist this state is impossible. There is just One set and an "infinite" subsets of this set. Zero is a conception. A reference point in our current physical reality.


I suggest that lower value than the physical zero state can not exist.


Because of this I suggest that it is an ever evolving positive system.


I suggest that space expands and the physical reality exist in proportion to space.


I suggest that we are able to give value to every physical entity with our current, evolving understanding of mathematics.


We know geometry, we know natural numbers and we are able to make sense of the operations between the subsets. Express it. In a positive ever changing(reorganizing) and evolving system. As you observe it. Value can relatively decrease and reorganize itself but the system will never be nothing again. I might say that the overall properties of the Universe never can decrease.


Observe the mathematical operation from the physical realities point of view too!


Adjust the mathematical tool to the physical reality and express everything you can. It is the language of the Universe!



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Can you very carefully define what you mean by state?

A moment of now where the physical circumstances are sensible and suggestable in their´s reality. In this case the total absence of space(time) energy, matter and information.


I suggest this state as if I understood right our Universe is expanding. It is expanding most likely exponentionally in a linear timeline. 4D.


It is bigger in every given moment. This evolution is coming from something and this something is smaller in every moment as you look back. If we follow our observed current common reality back to its bases we realize that those times the Universe were smaller (or?) and that the physically presented value is presented in a 13.8 billion years long cause and causality(effect) evolution. In other worlds it had it times in different spaces with different level of existence.


You can count the physically presented value with a clear physical reality based mathematical "mirroring" ------- binary system?


Time has a start and space has a start. If it would not have start it would not evolve.


Information, Intelligence and Consciousness are evolving in every moment of reality. We drive the system.


We have the problem of not cooperating....We are on the physical-philosophical level almost exactly the same. We are common with our One Humanity we are a small subsets of a set(humanity). This structure you can use on the Universe too as it is one complex entity.


Every energy and matter and information in the common space time frame. Call it One. You can not have physically more in this system.



The physical zero state is the smallest possible physical state. We can express it with the natural number 0.





In between I have to suggest that we are most likely exist in an artificial intelligence based biological reality.


Humanity is ready to evolve in the artificial intelligence. Some small mathematical adjustions would be needed + Co-operation etc....


You can not operate with zero because it has an other function to present reality in any moment of space-time!!!


You can operate with physically presented values as subsets. And of course there is just one set. Zero could have existed only once.


Suggest the size of the system you exist in and suggest value of your physical and metaphysical presence mirrored in the digital reality. Your physical presence always has a certain position in space and time.

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