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The squared effect in waveform math.


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I posted this in relativity because it includes a discussion, or at a least mention of E=mc2.

I was studying single slit experiments a couple years ago, during my double slit phase, of my uncertainty era.

I noticed something interesting and always wondered if anyone had noticed before...ive looked for info on the subject and found nothing that speaks to this directly.

When you make the single slit the same width as the incoming length of the wavelength. For example, slit width=1 and wavelength=1...The resulting interference pattern creates a propagation that matches the slope of a graph of any squared number. A 45 degree angle. 45 up from V=0 and 45 down for v=0... what got my attention? when the wave enters a slit that is the same distance open as the wavelength is long, it has been "squared" literally...and the result of that squaring, creates the graph of a squared number...was math really a waveform model? Of course it is, but can you do equations just by passing certain waves through certain size holes, examine the resulting spread pattern for interference on the other side and find an answer to the equation?

I thought, so light has to be squared before you can multiply it by the mass to find the energy? To me, it automatically meant that maybe its not just a matter of multiplying light by light...its a "trimming" down of light to a certain dimension that allows the transformation of energy into mass...a certain filter, an angle in a prism of dimensions, a slit...what is the slit that energy must burst into to create a particle with mass? Is it a breaking of a field that allows one to become another? IS this the energy that transformation requires? Why does mass require so much energy and why would it happen to be the squared amount of light? It seems really arbitrarially simple...I know the real equation factors in some changes in time, but I didn't feel the need to include them...as most who discuss SR don't...

I never took it any further...maybe it was all interesting but coincidental correlations...Any thoughts?

I hope I posted in the most appropriate forum...

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