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As far as i remember there is no such formula.


Try for instance to see the link between the det(A + B), det(A) and det(B) when both A and B are n x n diagonal matrices ?

Now add two elements to B on the (1,2) and (2,1) position and see what happens with your formulae...



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There is no simple elementary formula, of the type that


det(A+B)= f(det(A),det(B))


for some simple f.


There is obviously a formula in terms of detA, detB and (some of) the entries in A and B, in fact there are obviously many such formulas. I don't know that any of them is easier (or less computationally intensive) to calculate than just working out det(A+B) the hard way purely in terms of the entries in A and B without using det(A) or det(B).

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Here is an example of how sums are usefully used in determinants.


Let A be nxn, and let A(i) be the matrix obtained by setting all entries in the first row of A to be zero except for the i'th, for 1<=i<=n, then


det(A)= det( sumA(i)) = sum det(A(i))


that is after all how we practically calculate the determinant by expanding about the first row.

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