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My Theory of Everything - Through Psychic Abilities

SoliDspace Reality

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Greetings and Salutations, I was wondering how accurate and complete you think my theory of everything is which i got to experience psychicly by expanding my aura to envelop all of the matter in the universe, which is true there is not much of it once you take out all of the space between the atoms, and then once i enveloped all of the matter in the universe i left my body and flew out into cosmic consciousness and opened my universal chakra and experienced universal bliss, and then began having psychic visions, and in that experience is the reality of my theory of everything, being: 1+1=1 in the energetically linked eternal moment of now. this toe is also the algorithm to everything and is also the algorithm to google search engine and so would you agree that my theory is the best explanation to the theory of everything, or can you tell me what it is lacking?

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