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Giving them a fighting chance:


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I came across this article......




Sensor sounds alert when elephants are shot at
https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.newatlas.com%2FavataBen Coxworth June 8, 2017

A radio-collared elephant in India (Credit: Narotham.r)

Many wild elephants already wear GPS-equipped collars, which let wildlife officials track their whereabouts via radio signals. A hardware upgrade to those collars, however, could soon allow those officials to instantly know when poachers are shooting at the elephants, along with the location where it's occurring.

Known as WIPER, the technology was developed in a collaboration between Vanderbilt University and Colorado State University. It consists of a sensor which detects the acoustic shockwave that's produced when a high-powered weapon is fired. That shockwave occurs even if a silencer is being used.

more at link.....



Should the same type of technology be used for preservation of rhinos, Gorillas, and maybe Tigers also.


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