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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/17 in all areas

  1. So your going to rewrite physics and mathematics just because your too lazy to learn. Got it Thanks for wasting our time
    2 points
  2. Wow, what a confusing discussion. especially because PGJ does not use words as they are normally used, and has a terribly bad writing style. So just let me introduce to the way philosophers define some of the concepts used, and give also some philosophical context. If somebody acts, he does so on basis of what he wants, and on what he believes. A belief therefore is a state of affairs somebody takes to be true. Somebody of course might err, but it would be really funny if somebody would act based on beliefs he thinks are not true. Now some of these beliefs might be in the religious domain. There you really sometimes are supposed to believe things based just on faith, even things that are scientifically or logically absurd. But I think this category of 'belief' is philosophically not very interesting. (It might be psychologically interesting...) A true belief is a belief from which we know the grounds to believe it, and can explicitly present these grounds to others and myself. So the difference with just 'belief' is that I also can share the grounds for believing, possibly can demonstrate the grounds. If others agree, then I may call this a justified true belief. And that is the philosophical definition of knowledge. But knowledge is not yet science. 'Science' can refer to the body of knowledge of science, which can be expressed as structured knowledge. It is not just facts, but it is general knowledge, and the relations (i.e. theories) between these facts. 'Science' may also refer to the activity of gathering this general, structural knowledge, i.e. searching for knowledge according to the scientific method. PGJ concentrates on this one meaning of 'belief' in the religious domain, which is pretty absurd given the meaning of 'belief' as it is normally used in philosophical discourse.
    2 points
  3. https://phys.org/news/2017-08-standard-universe-precise-dark-energy.html Standard model of the universe withstands most precise test by Dark Energy Survey (Update) August 3, 2017 Map of dark matter made from gravitational lensing measurements of 26 million galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey. Red regions have more dark matter than average, blue regions less dark matter. Credit: Chihway Chang/University of Chicago/DES collaboration Astrophysicists have a fairly accurate understanding of how the universe ages: That's the conclusion of new results from the Dark Energy Survey (DES), a large international science collaboration, including researchers from the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, that put models of cosmic structure formation and evolution to the most precise test yet. https://phys.org/news/2017-08-standard-universe-precise-dark-energy.html
    1 point
  4. Mike, what is it you don't understand about the request, from Moontanman and myself, for evidence of your heirarchy? We have both asked repeatedly and you have failed to provide such evidence. I don't like to do this, but unless your next post shows a sensible effort to meet that request I shall ask that the moderators lock this thread. (And please don;t launch into a bunch of irrelevant word salad, or I shall be forced to assume you are taking the piss. My reaction then will be even more severe.)
    1 point
  5. If they think the OT is more significant then the NT, then they are absolutely *not* Christians.
    1 point
  6. LOL is irony a foreign concept to you?
    1 point
  7. The Washington Post reports Trump will have spent three times as many days at leisure than Obama. I don't think anyone's surprised by his hypocrisy, I would prefer he spend more time at leisure and away from his job as president than he already has--I've tired of his continual moronic tweets and edicts.
    1 point
  8. There is nothing special about islam. There are plenty of people (some of which are muslims) who don't respect Christians, Jews or atheists. A difference might be a different sense of humour or lack of self relativation, which causes a larger public outcry when someone "offends" islam?
    1 point
  9. Short answer is that the carrier frequency has no effect, it's the modulation, which is the same for the same signal.
    1 point
  10. 1 Rather than answer the question directly - which would involve describing how the information is encoded - I will ask an analogous question. Do you think that the meaning, import, and beauty of a Shakespeare sonnet is changed if it is printed in 12 point, or 72 point? 2. The frequency of a radio band is where the radio "looks" for the signal - any signal can be encoded in the specific modulation chosen. The signal, I believe, is encoded in a small change in the main ideal frequency 3. Note the frequency of the sound waves for middle C is about 261 hertz. FM is broadcast at around 500 times higher frequency than that. There is no necessary connection between the cycles per second of the soundwave produced by the speaker and the cycles per second of the carrier wave.
    1 point
  11. Right now almost the all radio stations here are transmitting digital signal, not analog anymore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_radio Also, your audio experience is pretty subjective. To really compare signal, you would have to digitalize it and record as raw file on disk, and then compare couple files together. I am pretty sure data would be slightly different in many places (transmission errors, slightly different decompression algorithms). Digital single sample has 65536 ^ 2 = 4294967296 possible values (left and right channels 16 bit both). Multiply 4 bytes per sample by 44100 Hz (CD quality) = 176400 bytes per second of raw data.
    1 point
  12. Nothing cannot include boundary points; otherwise, it would be something with boundary points. I think the real issue is whether nothing actually exists or is only a figment of our imagination.
    1 point
  13. I am always surprised how the discussion on this topic devolves every time. The discussion could very well end by stating that a varied diet with low amount of meat is associated with better health outcomes. Depending on the individual, some variations are healthier than others. If one had to choose between only meat diet or only vegetable diet, the latter is associated with better health. However, especially those that are prone to certain deficiencies (including children, elderly, etc.) benefit from at least some levels of meat (at which the negative effects of high-meat diets virtually vanish) or at least require supplements (which in itself can be problematic).
    1 point
  14. Post deleted by author as it kept drifting too far off topic.
    1 point
  15. And that's it. Depending on the kind of disturbance, you can still form a recognizable image (there are different degrees of diffuse). The irregularities of a liquid are likely to be on a scale very much larger than a wavelength, while other diffuse reflections (e.g. from a painted wall) have smaller and more irregular deviations from being flat. You will get reflections when going from a medium of one index to another. The amount depends on the difference.
    1 point
  16. ! Moderator Note Bringing up speculations in someone else's thread is hijacking, a rules violation. (And, should one be tempted to do so, responding to a modnote is off-topic)
    1 point
  17. Watched alot of science stuff lately, here is something that I theorize: 0 and 1 is male. It is absolute, black or white, one or the other. Some things, like computers operate with this system of "0s and 1s" However; Every number inbetween 0 and 1, an infinite number of numbers, is another story (female). This male and female are as alien to each other as it gets and thus their interactions cause amazing things to occur. It is this interaction that causes chaos in the universe (when male is dominant because it can't handle how advanced it all is) and harmony in the universe (when female is dominant) Since they are alien to each other allow me to further define them (female and male). Male is simple. Female is advanced. Male is absolute past and absolute future (first and final point); however these points don't matter since female is infinite and takes up all the space ever of everything while male is as small as possible (big bang is a pea sized thing theory. this "pea" moment is the only time male is being experienced ever) what we always are experiencing, all the time, is female data- no matter what.. it takes up all the space everywhere by being absolute infinite~ I hope I made this theory clear. Thank you. The smallest pea; the male is a total opposite (contrast) to the universe. It is what exists outside the big bang/universe. Think about it; how much time has there been? SOOO much right? How big is it? SOOO freaking immensely huge. The contrast is definitely overkill. Total overkill. Just think about this.
    0 points
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Earth_creationism http://www.gallup.com/poll/210956/belief-creationist-view-humans-new-low.aspx 38% YEC's and USA has +/- 324mil people.
    -1 points
  19. It woudl probalby be more accurtae to say I tyepd it worng.
    -1 points
  20. You mostly vomited bile and vitriol, that you mixed and set as concrete.
    -1 points
  21. Initially you attributed that different view to Christians in general and implied it was a view held my most/many of them. Then you attributed that view specifically to YECs. That is a perfect example of moving the goalposts. Since you refuse to acknowledge this I shall leave you to your own devices. I was looking for an honest discussion.
    -1 points
  22. I mentioned YEC's simply to show that Christians have different idea's concerning the significance of the OT and NT. You said this "But the signficance of the two Testaments, their relevance, their context, etc are quite different. It is entirely reasonable that you should be unaware of this since you have not studied them. However, it makes your pronouncements about them rather silly." =>You obviously think that your idea concerning the significance/relevance is the correct one. That's a mix of wishful thinking and ignorance.
    -1 points
  23. mom=KE/va. (Sorry, va. Bold type for vector.) Swansont: "Dividing by a vector is not defined." By the look of that equation, it sure looks (to me) like high time that (the) defining should begin. E.g. At least derived.
    -1 points
  24. Ezekiel 25:17. Well, looky here, something from the OT that's not demanding we all kill or hate each other, go figure...
    -1 points
  25. Part A Your expression contains nonsensical data. Why bother to ignore the evidence? The evidence as shown in the original post (not my claims) persists whether or not I exist, and the evidence shows that beliefs tend to occur on the horizon of non-evidence. Part B Where had I mentioned that scientists always ignored evidence? (Hint: No where) Scientists may act in a manner that highly concerns evidence but still, they too are subject to belief's neglectful design: FOOTNOTE: Newton believed in absolute time (See Wikipedia data), blocking him from considering a more workable theory.
    -1 points
  26. Rather than disregard science, I underline science's urgent relevance amidst mankind's evolution. (As you probably quickly observe in the contents of the advertising removed url) Neither am I disregarding Newton's work. That Newton blundered somewhere, does not suddenly warrant that all of his research is nonsense. On the contrary, I express that he too, despite his genius, is subject to belief's neglectful design. (His beliefs are not odd, for most beings were theists in Newton's time)
    -1 points
  27. Regardless of your feelings, evidence shows that belief is a paradigm that does not strive to concern evidence.
    -1 points
  28. Once more I am not disregarding Newton's work. Like Newton, humans are subject to belief's science opposing nature, but one can select to employ mannerisms (i.e scientific methodology, critical thinking) that highly concern evidence, instead of ones that barely concern evidence (i.e. belief)
    -1 points
  29. Quran is true because it is the word from God and Gabriel .Quran is true because it is like a high quality poetry that came from an illiterate Mohamed .Quran is true because the whole Quran rhymes like a mosquito . one of its kind ...There is no other books that sounds like it ...
    -1 points
  30. You are a very dishonest person. This is what I said "Young earth creationists have probably a very different idea concerning the significance of the OT. The USA has probably more then 140 000 000 YEC...." =>Instead of reacting on the fact that YEC Christians have a different idea concerning the significance of the OT, you ask for evidence for the nr YEC in US and you refuse to react on the original subject...yet you claim I changed the goalpost.
    -1 points
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